Friday, July 30, 2004

Compare the Candidates

A lot of American's seem to have their head buried in the sand when it comes to politics.  While it is doubtful that anyone with half a brain will agree 100% with either candidate, it may behoove the average joe to look into what President Bush and Kerry stand for.  Pick the most important issues and see where your guy stands.  You may be surprised!


Look at what your prayers have done! (fr: Mommie Kim)

Hello Family and Friends!   Attached is a picture of Kiersten.  We have sent several pictures to Judy and she is checking to ensure they will work on the website.  Here is a preview of our baby girl.  Is she not the cutest thing?!!    She has been "on again - off again" with the C-Pap.  She just came back off 2 days ago.  She has her feeding tube back in her mouth...the picture shows when she had it in her nose.  We are hoping she is successful and stays on the nose canula this time.   She continues to develop fluid on her body and then they have to give her lasix (medicine) to help her pee it out.  This is why she had to go back on C-Pap the last time.  It is common for preemies to build up fluid due to less proteins in their system (per the doc).  Please pray she progresses forward without continuing this yo-yo effect with nose canula and C-Pap. Thanks!   I am meeting with lactation tomorrow at noon but have already tried breastfeeding her for short periods.  It is going OK.  Sometimes she takes it and sometimes she looks at me like "what is this and why are you trying to torture me?!!"  smile!!  We're working on it together though.  The nurses reminded me that she has been alive for 8 weeks now and is just getting introduced to it whereas newborns get introduced within 24-48 hours after birth..makes sense it would take her some time to get aquainted with the idea....   She is 4 lbs and 4 ounces.  Big Girl!!  She gets her first round of vaccinations beginning on Saturday - her first shots..yikes!!   Her second eye exam revealed NO rop and NO rp...yippee.....good thing!!  Her first hearing test went well..she hears good!!   Her red blood cell count is good but sometimes she gets behind and needs a transfusion.  She hadn't had one in a long time but had to have one last week....she is doing better now as far as that goes...they are giving her iron but since that constipates her they have to give her suppositories too...poor baby girl...nobody likes those huh?!!   Our church family wanted to provide meals for us....we accepted twice a week...harder to do more than that since we are at the hospital late some nights...but we are sooooo appreciative of the people who have brought us meals so far....Todd & Heather, Dan & Sue and Bryan & Valerie have brought us meals and they have all been great....with leftovers too...thank you soooo much!!!   Nationwide had a rummage sale this last weekend on our behalf that I heard about...I didn't get a chance to make it there but we are also very appreciative of that and the people who put it together...I will be at Nationwide again next week...for a longer time period to see everyone and say thank you in person to the coordinator(s)....I really can't begin to convey all of gratitude we feel for all of you.   Many still send letters, cards, emails, donations, help with household items...etc.....we appreciate it all...most of all your prayers...thank you!   I will send more soon!!  Sorry I have not sent updates more frequently...I am at the hospital more often now with her and that leaves little time at home.....thanks for your patience on emails and pixs...   Love and prayers to you and your families....Kirk and Kimberly  

Monday, July 26, 2004

Goodbye Heat Wave!

Just as I predicted by Saturday evening around 6pm a breeze started blowing and cooling everything off.  I was invited to a BBQ and was surprised when I opened the door to leave to find the air an obvious 10 degrees cooler than it was just an hour or so before.  I took Madison to the BBQ, which actually turned out to be a potluck.  The hostess said she'd BBQ hotdogs and any other meat that you wanted to bring - like that was going to happen!  She's a great person but all of us know that she's no cook.  I can't imagine anyone of us buying a steak for her to ruin on the grill.  Besides, I didn't even see a grill on the patio!  The hotdogs that she served were BOILED!  ha!!  Regardless, we had a great time talking about the fun we had in the 70's when we were all very young.  This is the same group of folks that I ran around with back then.  We've known each other for a good 30 years and have shared some wonderful times together, and we remain close to this day.  By the time darkness fell the temperature had cooled off to about 75 degrees with a nice hefty breeze.  Madison had a good time too, and after I dropped her off home around 10pm I headed homeward to my girls.  I was kind of bothered leaving them there in that hot house although the ceiling fans were on so I knew they's stay relatively cool.  Let me tell you, when I opened up that door from being outside in the really cool air, that hot house hit me in the face like I'd opened an oven door!  The girls didn't seem bothered by it, but I let them outside and then hurriedly threw open every window and let that cool breeze waft through each room and push the hot air out.  I didn't even sleep with a fan on that night it was so cool!  What a relief!   

Yesterday it was in the mid 80's with a breeze and was a perfect day for me to mow the lawn and do other odd jobs outside.  I spread another couple wheelbarrows full of barkdust under the treehouse, planted a new flower, watered the lawn really good and called it a day. 

Hope your weekend was great and full of blessings!   

Friday, July 23, 2004


We are in the middle of heat wave in the Pacific Northwest.  Lord knows we aren't used to these high temps and are suffering through until it passes.  The good thing is we are close enough to the coast that it never lasts too long.  Before you know it the cool marine air with waft its way through the area bringing with it relief from 100+ degree days. 

I could never live in any other area that has this kind of heat daily.  God knows how folks like my niece live in Arizona or other desert areas. 

I'm watering lawn and flowers like there is no tomorrow.  I'm afraid to look at my water bill when it comes next month!  I may have to refinance to pay it, ha!  But regardless of the heat the flowers and tomato plants look great and seem to be thriving just fine.  I've already had 3 pickings of tomatoes and they are so juicy and sweet!  Nothing like vine ripened tomatoes.

Madison came over one evening this week and got to see and play in her Little Tikes playhouse that grandma (that would be me) bought her.  She loved opening and closing the pink door and walking through it like a grown up!  Once inside she'd peek out through one of the four little shuttered windows and giggle at us.  She loved it so much that mommy and daddy went home and bought her one for her house too!  Theyjust picked it up tonight.  She will have many hours of fun playing in it, for sure.  She is really walking now - all over the place!  She has 13 teeth already!  She doesn't talk yet, but it is obvious that is coming soon, as when she falls or drops something she says "OH-OH!"  She is such a doll!  I am blessed beyond words.  But I am not a good grandma because I haven't posted any new photos of her.  I have to empty my camera first and then I will make sure to take new ones soon.

My girls are doing well although I noticed a week ago that Katie was holding her right ear kind of cock-eyed, so I made arrangements to drop her off at the vets for an overall exam.  I knew that she'd be a basket case if she were alone so I included Sophie Jo too.  The vet looked them over and sure enough Katie had some kind of fungal bacteria doing a number on her one cock-eyed ear.  He cleaned all of their ears out and sent Katie home with some ointment and ear drops.  She is back to normal again holding those perky little ears up straight as a stick. 

Brian's house (my old neighbor) finally sold to a new family.  They are getting ready to start cleaning it up, painting and so forth.  They had the 3 big pine trees cut down and separate our properties, and I must admit that it looks much better already.  I'm not sure what they will do with that piece of property, now that the trees are gone.  Perhaps landscape nicely or who knows, maybe they will have a pool put in.  It'd be an excellent spot for one. 

Incidently, I thought I should mention that Mommie Kim is not related to me.  She is a co-worker that I adore.  My sister Kim already has her "babies" grown up with babies of their own.  I just wanted to clarify so that you all realize that.

Love to all!


Hello Family and Friends!!   Just wanted to let you all know how our baby girl is doing.  She is now up to four pounds!  Woo-hoo for her!   She was placed back on C-Pap for a week and was just taken back off of it yesterday.  It is common for them to go back and forth for awhile.  We are all hoping she can stay off C-Pap this time though.  She just has the nose canula now.   She has had some fairly bad reflux, which is also common for preemies.  The goal is to get her feeds down to 15 minutes every three hours.  They had her at an hour every three hours but it was too much.  They just changed her back to two hours of feeds every three hours.  This has helped with the reflux.  The goal is to keep her off C-Pap even if we have to take a step back on her feeds.   She still drops her oxygen stats from time to time, which is normal but very stressful for Mommy.  Yesterday was a hard day for me.  A lot of grieving over the twins and then while holding her, her stats kept dropping.  I had a little meltdown and so we put her back to bed and got her stats back up.  The nurse said she would have been fine...not to focus on the monitor but instead to look at the baby and see how she looks (which she looked ok) but it was too much for me.  I just want her to be safe and get strong.  We will be very happy when she is strong enough to breathe easily on her own and come home.   We have been working on the baby room, which brings us a lot of joy and a lot of sadness.  It looks good!!   For my friends at Nationwide - I came to Nationwide on Tuesday and for those of you I had time to see it was wonderful..Thank you!  I will be back this week or beginning of next to see folks I didn't get a chance to see.   Thank you for your continued prayers and support for our family.  We will be sending pixs to Judy (who is setting up our family website) and hope to have those up by this weekend or next week.  I will send a new email with the address once we have pixs on it.   Love Kirk and Kimberly


Don't miss out on a blessing 
because it isn't packaged the way that you expect. 

Monday, July 19, 2004

Daily Affirmation

I’ll tell you a secret about
this world: it meets you
exactly where it finds you
and gives you what you
present to it. So, if you go
out there looking for
anger, it will justify your
anger. If you go out there
looking for love, it will
justify your love. If you’re
looking for animosity and
hatred, it will give you
animosity and hatred. It
will match exactly what
you put out.  That’s the
key if you want health,
wealth, and happiness.
The Daily Guru

Ode To A Man

Another week is behind us, but this one proved to be very sad if not heartbreaking for my co-workers and myself. Our favorite Sales and Service Director left our company after nearly 23 years of impeccable service.

Tim Dooley, or Dooley as he was lovingly known by those closest to him, is truly a man among men, and the reasons are many.

A good family man who loves his wife and daughters more than he loves life itself, Tim always displayed their pictures in his office proudly, and you could see the love in his eyes when he talked about them.

Dooley was beyond reproach and ethically a saint. He always "did the right thing" for the company and his employees. There were many occasions when Tim went to bat for one of the employees when it wasn't in his best interest to do so. The employees knew his loyalty and kindness and appreciated it by going the extra mile for him.

Not only is he a great human being, but he is a born leader. Dooley could take the most negative people in the most trying of times, and after just a few short minutes have those same folks motivated into a winning team! I'd seen it time and time again.

For instance, I remember a few short years ago, around 1997 to be exact, when the Regional VP was terminated and suddenly a staff of strange men walked into our office acknowledging that they were now the "SENIOR MANAGEMENT TEAM" and things were going to change. They were the movers and shakers and they let it be known that they did not appreciate or revere tenure. In fact, they were so bold as to say that it'd be cheaper to get rid of the tenured people and replace them for 1/2 the salary with new employees. Many people were shaken, some quit, some just buckled under the bulldozing. The overall atmosphere was so heavy with dread on a daily basis that you could almost cut it with a knife. Until Dooley started sending out his own little newsletter to the entire staff acknowledging employee's good customer service calls, and printing customer appreciation letters with his own brand of Dooley-ism. He kept telling us privately to hold in there, this too shall pass, and it did. One day we came into work and found out that the SENIOR MANAGEMENT TEAM had been canned by home office! What a day that was for us all. Dooley was our Savior of sorts and he'd walked us through a trying time, but we'd made it!

Of course there were other times too when this wonderful man rose tothe occasion and reassured us over matters that seemed dreadful, but true to his word everything always worked out in our best interest.

Tim was the kind of man that asked his staff what we thought about situations. He not only listened, he took action when necessary. You could walk into Tim's office anytime and know that you would be greeted with that award-winning smile. Anything that was discussed in Tim's office was confidential and he never, to my knowledge ever repeated a single word, whether it was work related or personal.

Tim is an extremely personable fellow. He'd often walk through the office with a camcorder asking folks questions like, "What does world class customer service mean to you?" He captured the moments and the people at their best. Later he'd put together a video, which he'd show on various monitors throughout the building and the folks got a real big kick out it! What a morale booster!

There were wonderfully hilarious power point presentations that were sent out at least every month with Tim always the butt of his own jokes, but with a powerful underlying message about what great people we all were, and giving us kudos for the great jobs we were doing.

My company sponsors a big west-coast marathon every year, and who was the coordinator? That's right, it was Tim Dooley. Every year he'd muster more and more joggers and walkers and they'd commit to one or more legs of the race. If you couldn't physically handle the jogging or walking, then he'd find a van for you to drive. There was a place for everyone who wanted to be involved.

There were the United Way campaigns where he'd sit at the helm of a dunk tank on a cold Pacific Northwest Morning, heckling the crowd with dares to spend a buck to "dunk Dooley". By the end of the day he'd be shivering cold, but the campaign would be many dollars richer for his valiant efforts.

Tim promoted me into management on April 2, 2001. I will always be grateful to him for that. He believed in me and that meant the same to me as if my own dad had offered me the job, although to be fair here, Tim is my age. But you know what I mean. I wanted to prove to him that he hadn't made a mistake, and I wanted to do the best job possible for HIM.

That was how the guy affected those around him. He motivated and coached; he was inspirational and revered.

Tim will do great wherever he goes. I envy those of you who will be lucky enough to work with him, becausesome of you will.

Get ready folks, because you are in for the time of your lives!

God Bless you Tim Dooley and may the force always be with you, my friend. You are loved and greatly missed.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

I sent this to some of you already, but think it is so beautiful that I wanted to share it with all that visit my journal.  I have no idea who wrote it.


Hello God,
I called tonight
To talk a little while
I need a friend who'll listen
To my anxiety and trial.
You see, I can't quite make it
Through a day just on my own...
I need your love to guide me,
So I'll never feel alone.
I want to ask you please to keep
My family safe and sound.
Come and fill their lives with confidence
For whatever fate they're bound.
Give me faith, dear God, to face
Each hour throughout the day,
And not to worry over things
I can't change in any way.
I thank you God for being home
And listening to my call,
For giving me such good advice
When I stumble and fall.
Your number, God, is the only one
That answers every time.
I never get a busy signal,
Never had to pay a dime.
So thank you, God, for listening
To my troubles and my sorrow.
Good night, God, I love You too,
And I'll call again tomorrow!

All Good Things Must Come To An End

Another vacation week is now behind me, and this is the first time that I can truly say that I hated to go back to work.  But as we all know, all good things must come to an end.

I worked almost daily in my gardens planting lots of new flowers.  After many years of spending money on annuals, I finally decided that although they are beautiful my money is better spent on perennials.  This past week I planted lots of them too!  I started a new circular bed around my pink dogwood tree and planted day lilies, red pokers, fountain grass and a nice big clump of sea daisys.  I also planted Lucifer's XXXX (that means I don't recall the entire name).  All of these plants will continue to double in size and next year will look splendid!  That one sore spot where we used to stack wood has been turned into a huge big bed where I planted three Hydrangeas, two large clumps of Lucifer's XXXXX, and I intend on planting more day lilies there too.  I trimmed shrubs, pruned a couple trees and have all my rhodies deheaded for next year.  What a job!  But I love it!

I also spent some time with Madison who is now walking all over the place and getting into everything!  She has her little sweaty hands all over my glass topped coffee table and I am continually having to pull her away from it.  But what a joy she is!  I think I know now how my mom felt about Steve when he was born.  One evening Danelle, Madison and I went to dinner after she had spent the afternoon with me.  I carried her out to the car and when I tried to hand her over to Danelle she threw a fit crying and clinging to me!  That child will never know how that spoiled little tantrum touched my heart.  She is Grammy's girl for sure.  Everyone who sees her says she has my eyes, and I have to agree, especially when compared to one particular colored studio print of me when I was the same age she is now. 

My girls also got a bit spoiled having their mom home all week.  We spent nearly every waking hour together and they loved it!  I could tell that they were disappointed when I was getting ready for work on Monday morning.  Don't let anyone tell you that dogs aren't smart.  I dare say that my girls are smarter than some people I know!  ha!

Well, it's good to be back in j-land.  I just couldn't really bring myself to sit in front of this computer typing that week though.  I did however read YOUR journals and have kept pretty much up to date on what's going on. 

I hope that you are enjoying this blessed summer.  I sure am!

Hugs to all! 

Latest Email From Mommie Kim

Hello All,


I know it has been awhile since I wrote.  We finally have our email set up and running.  Thanks to Bill Rudkin!  Thank you so much Bill – we cannot say thank you enough!


Judy is working on our web page for us and I haven’t contacted her due to the email problems.  Judy I will be in touch this week and we will finish it.  Sorry for the delay!!  This will allow everyone to go and view all the pictures


Well, little sweet baby Kiersten is doing so well.  I know all of your prayers are the reason why!!  She is now off C-Pap and on the nose canula only.  She has been this way for two days now.  She has had a few problems adjusting but seems to be handling it OK.  It is a big adjustment for her and she may not get the full hang of it for a while – but we have faith she will do better and better as the day’s progress.


She is now on bolus feedings, which means she gets all of her food over 1 hour every three hours (instead of a continuous drip).  She gets fed via her tube at 6:00, 9:00, 12:00 and 3:00 (am and pm).  She is doing well with this.  Hardly any spit up.  Yeah!!


She is 3 lbs and 5 ounces.  She lost a little weight, as they had to give her a diuretic to assist with removing fluid from her lungs.  It worked but the fluid was part of her weight so that is why it went down.


She is wearing little onsies now and is doing fairly well at maintaining her body temperature.  They may attempt to put her to breast next week. They may also move her to the level 2 side, which is good for her – it means she is progressing.  However, we love our nurses and it means new nurses…so we are being stingy and want her to stay where she is.  : - ) smile


Thank you for your prayers and for your continued support


The memorial service went as we had hoped – we feel it truly honored our little angels.  Those of you that were able to attend we would like to say thank you again for giving up your time to join us in celebration of their lives!!


Those of you that could not attend we know you were there in spirit and supported us in thought and prayer – thank you.


Some people drove a good distance to join us – thank you!  It was a sacrifice on your part that did not go unnoticed


Last but not least…those that sent flowers, emails/cards and gave donations towards Kiersten’s account – thank you!  Thank you for adding to the beauty with the sight and smell of flowers, affirming words in emails/cards and assistance to Kiersten.


I hope to continue to send good news to all of you.   I plan to send updates until she is home then about a month or two after – If you all would like that.  Then I will just update the web page.


I am planning on coming in one day next week (week of 20th) to Nationwide.  I will let you know which day.  FYI!!!!


Love Kirk and Kimberly

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Daily Affirmation

We grow great by dreams.
All big men are dreamers.
They see things in the soft
haze of a spring day or in
the red fire of  a long
winter's evening. Some of
us let these great dreams
die, but others nourish
and protect them; nurse
them through bad days
till they bring them to the
sunshine and light which
comes always to those
who sincerely hope that
their dreams will come
true. -- Woodrow Wilson 

Sunday, July 4, 2004

Happy Fourth Of July!!!

Stay safe and enjoy all the BBQ's and get togethers with family and friends! 

Email From Mommie Kim

Hello All -

We have been attempting to install DSL and had some problems.  I haven't been able to check email for about one week. So sorry if I haven't responded to you until today.

Kiersten is doing so well!  The pneumonia is gone and the yeast infection is gone.  All of her IV lines are now out and she only has the C-PAP and her feeding tube in her mouth for the breastmilk.  Her legs and belly are getting chubby - too cute.  Her arms don't look too chubby but they will soon!

We get to hold her each day now and she tolerates it very well.  She is up to 3 pounds and 3 ounces now, which is a weight gain of 1 lb 4 ounces since she was born.  She is also 1 1/2 inches longer than when she was born.  Yeah!!!

I still can not convey properly in words how much your prayers and support have been appreciated.  Kirk and I have had many, many tears this last week in preparing for the twins service.  We each wrote Katelyn and Kendra a letter from their Mommy and Daddy to go in the casket with them.  This was very difficult but was also healing.  We wrote Kierten a letter too!!  They will have their little teddy bears, which are wearing the braclet and anklet that was made for each one of them, in the casket as well.

Please continue to pray for Kiersten to get stronger and stronger each day.  She still has some fluid in her lungs and a little swelling around the face/eyes that needs to go down.  She is doing good but is still so small.  Please continue to pray for Kirk and I as well - this emotional rollar coaster has been extremely hard on us.

Once I have my email at home working - hopfully before the holiday weekend is over - I will respond to each of you.


Kirk and Kimberly

Friday, July 2, 2004


Just a quick fyi ......

My hard drive is making some weird noises.  Really weird.  Noises that I have never heard before.  Just in case it crashes, I may be offline for a while.  Never fear though.....I will return!

