Once again in my lifetime I am witness to the election of a new pope. It is exciting to realize the history that we have lived through today. All of the pomp and circumstance will be recorded in history books and people who come generations after us will read it as it unfolded. And we, you and I lived it! It almost seems a bit surreal.
It was with great sadness that I bid Pope John Paul II goodbye on April 2, 2005 as did the rest of the world, especially my fellow Catholics. In my mind, Pope John Paul II was truly my loving and gracious father. It was with a bit of irony and more sadness that I realized that 20 years ago to the day my biological father had died.
Pope John Paul II was a humble man from humble beginnings, one who was looked up to by so many, and idolized for his strength and wisdom. He will be missed and it is doubtful that anyone will ever be able to fill his shoes the way he did.
I was actually hoping for a younger pope. One with a more open attitude toward the church and the world at large. I am saddened by this new pope's open and judgemental attitude toward gays, and his not surprising opinion of women priests. (I am still trying to make my mind up about that one too, but certainly I am open minded to some extent.)
I wish our new pope well. I wish him a long and happy life. I wish him much success. Given his advanced age though, I wonder how much he will be able to accomplish in the short time he will have? It is with most certainty that he will not accomplish the multitude of things Pope John Paul II did.
One can only watch and pray that the Lord moves him in the right direction for the church and mankind.