As I may have mentioned in an earlier journal entry I am on vacation this week. This was a perfect week to take as vacation. I was able to hit all the after Christmas sales, and get all of my decorations put away until next year. Although to be honest I didn't put out as many decorations this year as I have in the past. Part of the reason is because I usually take the week of Christmas off and have additional time to do more decorating.
Regardless though, what fun it is to sleep in each morning, leisurely enjoying a cup of hot coffee in the morning while reading the newspaper. I can make plans and go to lunch in the afternoons with friends or dinner in the evenings - which I have done both of already!
Basically this week I have no structure. I can do anything I want, whenever I want. It's very relaxing to say the least!
I have been able to spend extra time with my girls, who frankly seem a little stumped by my presence! They are loving the extra attention they are receiving though. I've taken them both on a couple of short jaunts about town, which they love!
I dropped in to see Madison and her parents yesterday, and took Madison a new pink clothes hamper that I found on sale. It will be perfect for her dirty clothes. (Danelle mentioned she was looking for one and I happened upon a buy of a lifetime!)
I bought a couple of bags of tulip bulbs to plant as soon as the ground thaws in a day or two. We never have really cold weather for long. Our climate is actually quite mild. Although it's been quite cold here the last day or so and snow is in our forecast for later tonight. We'll see how the local weathermen do with their prediction.
Well, that's all for now. I will write more either this evening or tomorrow. Right now, it's off to Wal-Mart!
Have a great day!