As the cold Arctic winds blow down from Canada onto the Pacific Northwest, we brace for a brief, but extremely cold spell. This is the coldest winter the Pacific Northwest has seen since 1998, and one that will not be easily forgotten.
The last few years have spoiled us with warm, mild climates. Heck, in 2002 I was still mowing my lawn in December!
This morning the T.V. News Anchors caught my attention because they were advising people to give outdoor animals a break and bring them in out of the cold, or at least provide them with a shelter and some type of bedding to help them stay warm.
Now I beg to ask you this: What moron needs to be reminded of these simple, basic rules for living? Shouldn't good old fashioned common sense ring a bell? Are there such simpletons in this world that thinking ahead for the sake of another living creature is too much to ask for? Is keeping their own butt warm the only damned thing they think about?
I turned away from the T.V. shaking my head, while the News Anchor continued to advise that since water freezes in these low temperatures, one should keep fresh water out for animals to drink. Keep in mind it will need to be changed often though, because guess what? It too will freeze in a short time.
I don't mean to be sarcastic well maybe a little but for God's sake, these are simple basic instincts, aren't they?
As this storm moves slowly across the nation, I beg you all to please take heed! Please do whatever you can to help the animals. Take the initiative and put a bucket of water outside on your patio or next to your house. If you have an old blanket put it to good use! When it is extremely cold outside, animals need more food than usual, so if you see a hungry animal feed it!
And certainly if the animal(s) are being neglected it is your duty to call your local Humane Society.
It's the least you can do as a caring, kind individual.