Wednesday, January 14, 2004


I've been a little under the weather the last few days with a touch of bronchitis which has had me up at all hours of the night and early morning.  So, I haven't felt much like writing.   

However, I have been reading a lot of journals out there, and must say that I am impressed with many and amused by many more.   

Another journal I'd like to refer you to is SITTN' ON THE FENCE, authored by one amusing, kind and entertaining gentleman calling himself Hans.

His journal is very entertaining, and it is obvious that writing is his niche. SITTN' ON THE FENCE has become another one of my favorite haunts in the wee hours of the morning when I can't sleep.  Although I'll admit that I'd visit it religiously even if I could sleep through the night.  I'd just have to get up a bit earlier than normal, or stay up a bit later.  Either way I'd fit it in.  Please check it out.  I'm sure that you will enjoy it as much as I do.

I promise to be back in a day or two.  Who knows?  Perhaps I'll be able to post an entry tomorrow evening!  Please don't forget me and do come back. Rest assured that I have not forsaken my fellow bloggers!




Anonymous said...

Imagine my surprise when I came in to read your journal and saw that today's entry was about my journal. I am very flattered, very. Thank you very much.

Feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to a wonderful journal. I have bookmarked it and will be visiting regularly.

As for you -- take care of yourself and get better.