Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Goodbye Timi

Last November one of my entries was written about 1960's pop singer Timi YuroThis note greeted me this evening when I got home from work:


I am very sorry to report to you that yesterday singer Timi Yuro lost her
battle with cancer and passed away, peacefully in her sleep.

"Rosemary" (to her close friends) passed away at age 62 at her home in Las
Vegas at 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time, on Tuesday, March 30, 2004. Robert, her
husband, and Isabelle, her roommate and close friend, were with her, along
with two hospice nurses. Private arrangements have been made for her ashes
to be spread on her mother and father's graves in Cicero, Illinois.
I apologize for this somewhat impersonal method of contacting you but
thought you would want to hear this sad news before it is distributed to
the media. I am writing to those who have contacted me after seeing the
articles posted on my web site [] and others who
have expressed interest in Timi, her career, and her ongoing battles with
health problems.

Timi was a very courageous person. She was a born-again Christian and had a
very strong faith in God. She had been in pain for quite some time and is
now at peace.

I spoke with her friend Roger Peacock and her husband, Robert, earlier
today. They are distraught but they acknowledge that Timi is now out of her
suffering and has gone to a better place. She leaves a daughter and three

Cards and condolences can be sent to her family at this address: Timi Yuro
Family, c/o SOUND 2000, PO Box 54802, Tulsa, OK 74155. They will be
forwarded immediately to Timi's family.

Timi's fabulous voice has been silenced. May she rest in peace.

Tom Simon

Monday I did get my lawn mowed!  I also got my gas can filled, I visited the pharmacy, stopped at the store & bought weed killer & groceries (not in that order).

I also bought and some tomato plants, and even though it is too early to plant them at least I have them!  I bought Early Girl this year as they are nice sized tomatoes and fairly abundant little producers. 

I've started working a new flower bed where at one time 3 fir trees stood.  Once the trees were cut down the wood was stacked in that spot for some time.  I sold the wood and gave some away so the it's bare now and needs some shrubs and color.  Last fall I planted several bunches of tulips and another bulb that for the life of me I can't recall the name.  I also have three Hydrangeas that I plan on putting there.  I usually buy my shrubs on clearance and I only paid $1.50 a piece for these nice shrubs and they already have started sprouting leaves for this year!  I'll try to remember to post some before and after pictures.

I've been trying to find a Japanese Snowball shrub (not the tree) for some time now.  I've been unable to locate one.  They are nice shrubs and in the Spring have large white flowers that lay flat on the branches.  Any ideas where I might get one?  I know that I will probably pay a premium price for one, but I'm certainly willing to.

Monday the girls got out of their fenced backyard!  I must have accidently left one of the gates slightly open, and they found my error.  They were off like Greyhounds and I swear to God I thought I would have a stroke before I was able to get them cornered in my neighbors yard with the help of the neighbor.  They ran away from me and right up to her - those two little beggars!  I was so afraid that they'd get in the street and get hit by a car!  I bought two springs to afix to each gate which will keep them in a closed position, but I haven't installed them yet.  That will be first on my "to do" list this weekend!  

It rained here yesterday, but is supposed to be nice the rest of the week and through the weekend.  So hopefully I will get more yardwork done before next week when Madison comes to stay with Grammy!  

Until later..............

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Spring Flowers.......

Here are a few of the pictures that I promised from my yard.  This just scapes the surface!  I could stand out there most of the day and snap pictures!  They are beautiful, aren't they?  These are mostly early tulips and other early spring flowers.  I have them staggered throughout my yard so we can enjoy the color all spring long.  I've actually had people stop and ask if they could take pictures of my tulips!


Terri, the author of one of my favorite journals YA-YA DUCHESS posted an article regarding a new ATM scam.  I thought it was worth mentioning here too.  Look out, folks!  These criminals are brazen!  Check it out!

Monday, March 29, 2004

Sunday, Sunday

Yesterday was a kind of "lost" day for me.  I had a meeting to attend at 3pm, which lasted until nearly 7pm!  What a waste of my valuable time.  I wouldn't have known that had I not gone though.  Things always look so different in retrospect.  Now I'll be playing catch up all week, and we all know how hard that game is.

I didn't get my lawn mowed, didn't get my gas can filled, didn't pick up my taxes, didn't go to the pharmacy, didn't get the Spring fertilizer on the lawn, and most important of all I didn't get over to see Madison!  I guess I'll just have to start a new "to do" list.

I did manage to take some nice pictures of some of my flowers yesterday morning though.  I can't get them loaded off of the camera.  I suspect that the battery is too low.  I promise to load them just as soon as I can.  They look like they might have turned out pretty nice, and I'm no photographer. 

Our weather was beautiful yesterday!  It was in the high 60's and the sun's warmth opened up so many of the early tulips.  

I ordered 6 yards of barkdust yesterday which was delivered while I sat in the stupid meeting.  I really should have just gone ahead and ordered 10 yards and nearly did, but then decided against it at the last minute.  I can be so indecisive about the most unimportant things.  

Well, here we go into another week.  I can't believe how fast time flies by.  One thing is for sure, we are due to have more beautiful weather this week!  

Wishing you all a beautiful and safe week too! 


Saturday, March 27, 2004


The girls had me up at 6:30 this morning, but that's okay because I still got an extra hour of sleep that I don't normally get.  It's a beautiful morning here in Southwest Washington state.  The sky is blue with billowy white clouds, and the sun is out.  It's in the low 40's right now and a bit chilly, but the sun will warm things up pretty quickly.  It is forecasted, however to rain on and off today.

It stopped raining here on March 5th, but started back up this past Wednesday.  Seems we may be getting a break from the moisture for a couple of days.  This break will give me a chance to spread some much needed Spring fertilizer on my lawn.

My tulips, and I have a lot of Tulips, are now budded but haven't opened up yet.  I'll try to get some pictures posted in the next few days so you can see some of them.  I've got so many though that it'd be impossible to get them all in. 

I spoke with Steve yesterday and Madison is getting over her cold, and her temperature is normal again.  That's welcomed news, for sure.

Well folks, it's time for me to get up and get some work done around here. 

Have a great weekend! 

Friday, March 26, 2004


Milestones in one's life must be acknowledged and recorded whether they are good or bad.  At least they do if they are you're a first child, and in my case my first Grandchild.  

Steve called Wednesday evening to report that Madison was sick with her first cold.  Actually, this is her first bout with an illness of any kind.  We have been extremely fortunate to have such a healthy baby, and I send thanks to our Lord for her and her good health every day.

She was running a 103 degree temperature, not eating anything much and was understandably fussy.  They had called the doctor who gave them the proper medical advice, and basically was just "waiting it out".  

Then he said something that surprised me.  "Mom, do you remember when I was a little kid and you said to me that if you could take the pain away you would?"

"Yes," I replied feeling suddenly weepy.

"Well, now I know what you meant."  He said it with such feeling and sincerity. 

We'd come full circle.  

The First Movie..............part 4

As it turned out, we had a fabulous afternoon!  The movie was great (for war movies), our surroundings were lush and beautiful, the atmosphere was exciting, and last but not least we found Daddy just fine because he was waiting where he told us to meet him. I bet he was as anxious as I was if the truth were told!

It is difficult to explain how I felt at the day's end, but one thing is for sure that day marked a milestone in my life. My Father had orchestrated a memory that only my brother and I share; a memory that was created which I would hold near and dear to my heart for the rest of my life.

In my estimation, that 35-cent investment that my Father made that Saturday afternoon reaped priceless rewards for my brother and I, and today in some small way I am a richer person for it.

The First Movie.....part 3

The movie was secondary to the real reason I came. I came to be a part of the big city! Even as a kid, I yearned to be a part of everything that I saw as beautiful; the people, the bustle in the streets, the department stores, the bright lights. Something in me at an early age yearned for this excitement! At home, I'd stand at the highest point possible and stare at the big city's lights, and somewhere deep inside a craving to be in the center of it all started eating at me. Now, finally I was here! I was in the city, far away from my parents and the restrictions they set upon me. I was a part of the big city!

I remember the smell of the theater - a combination of popcorn, candy, perfume and cigarette smoke. Back then it was acceptable for people to smoke in the lobby.

At some point we had to check out the restrooms like all kids do. So when one of us had to go to the restroom, we both went. We didn't take our eyes off of each other, but managed to gaze around in wide-eyed wonderment.

The whole theater was carpeted in a beautifully designed thick red carpet. The refreshment counter was perhaps 6 feet long, but had a nice array of candies. The restrooms and balcony were located up a circular staircase that looked to me as though it was straight out of a movie set. It was gorgeous! The banister was shiny, varnished dark wood and very ornate. The light fixtures were Art Nouveau design, along with various other wall hangings and frames of the same genre.

It was all so exciting, although I must say that I worried the whole time about how Daddy would find us, even though he'd given simple, but exact instructions on where to wait for him when the movie was over. Also, I didn't realize it at the time, but Uncle Bill (my paternal Aunt's husband) was running the projector. He knew we were in the theater and where we were seated. If I'd had known that I'd have felt much safer, but at the same time some of the thrill would have been gone.

The First Movie.............part 2

It was a Saturday morning and Momma was finishing up with the breakfast dishes. Daddy was polishing his dress shoes, while Eddy and I watched a morning TV show - probably cartoons. Saturdays were always the one-day of the week that our parents did certain errands like grocery shopping.

They were very protective of us and rarely let us out of their sight. In fact, in all the years growing up I only remember them leaving us one time with a baby-sitter - our teenaged cousin, while they went to a New Year's Eve Party. They had to know where we were at all times and who we were with, so you can imagine my surprise when my Father asked, "How would you and Eddy like to go to a matinee this afternoon while your Mother and I are shopping?"

I didn't quite know what to say because I was so shocked! Eddy was about 8 years old and I about 10. We had never been turned loose all by ourselves! Oh, yes! I wanted to go, but at the same time I was very frightened. I'd never been away from my parents like this before. Kids today are so much worldlier than we were!

Daddy drove Eddy and I downtown to the Kiggins Theater. He parked the car and walked up to the ticket counter with us and purchased two 35-cent tickets. That was so much money to my ears! Then he discreetly walked us inside and bought us each a bag of popcorn, and watched while the usher (remember those?) helped us find a seat.  

The movie starred a young and handsome Gregory Peck in PORKCHOP HILL - a war movie. I personally never liked war movies, but Eddy was ecstatic!


The First Movie........part 1

I've felt a bit melancholy since Sunday, when I spent the afternoon and early evening with Eddy and Kim. We always have such a good time when we are together. We are able to reminisce about our youth, exchanging favorite and often forgotten stories with one another. Most are incredibly fun to relive and some bittersweet, while others are sad. Regardless, the common thread is always there, lying just beneath the surface that incredible bond that siblings share from the moment of birth.

Together, we are able to conjure up the same old belly laughs that we used to and in retrospect with many years of life experience now behind us, a few new ones as well. It seems that the time together goes by so fast and soon we are separated once again by life's demands. All too soon our evening together is just another moment archived into our memory banks to be revisited at a later time when the notion strikes us.

Eddy has many positive attributes, one being an excellent memory. He can remember things that Kim and I would never think about. But once he starts throwing things at us, we soon join in contributing little bits and pieces of warm summer days and evenings, past holidays like Christmas, Halloween, Easter and birthdays that we shared.

Another admirable characteristic that Eddy owns, is his ability to sing word for word any TV show song that you can think of from the late 50's through the 70's, from Rawhide to Gilligan's Island - he knows them all. He often serenades us with one (he has a great voice to boot) and sometimes will incorporate his own comedic lyrics. Soon, he has Kim and I rolling on the floor in laughter with tears streaming down our cheeks.

While on our way to dinner Sunday evening, I asked Eddy if he remembered the very first movie he and I had gone to as kids without Mom and Dad. Kim was still too young to go - she's nearly four years younger than me and almost 2 years younger than Eddy. He remembered going, but interestingly enough this time I got to remind him about some of the details. I remember it as if it were yesterday……………..

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Daily Affirmation

If you love something,
set it free.
If it returns,
it's yours forever.
If it doesn't it was
never yours
to begin with.

Freedom lies in being bold.
--Robert Frost

He who is brave is free.-

Monday, March 22, 2004

Planning..............part 2

Eddy started reminding us of stuff that we did as kids in that house and on the property, and pretty soon I was laughing so hard I was crying!  Things like:  remember when Mom and Dad would go shopping on Saturday and we'd sprinkle salt on the linoleum and slide in our socks across the floor?  Mom would come in later, walking across the floor and ask what that crunchy stuff she was walking in! 

Then there was the time when Eddy and Keith (a friend) got a hold of 3 gallons of gas and thought it would be a good idea, at 2am to dibble the gas down the length of road (and it was long) and then set it on fire!  The entire neighborhood was lit up like the 4th of July!  Mom was waiting at the backdoor with a razor strap (which she used as a ploy to get her point across more than actually using it.  (There are some hilarious stories regarding the razor strap too - because I'd hide it.....poor Mom!)

There were countless other stories that had us rolling on the floor laughing.  Stupid things that kids get into - some like the gasoline story which could have been deadly, but for the Grace of God were not.  And then again some not so deadly like sliding through the salt.  But I can imagine how I'd have reacted had I been the Mom.  But our Mom was cool, calm and collected most of the time.  She didn't sweat the small stuff very often. 

As this project of getting Mom's house ready to sell gets underway I will try to share some of stories with you.  I wish you could all be there in the audience to watch as it unfolds.  I know there will be lots of laughter because the 3 of us love each other so much, and a lot of tears for the same reason.  This is going to be a rollercoaster ride.  

Hold on because it's going to be a bumpy ride!      

Planning..............part 1

Sunday was another beautiful day!  I drank my morning coffee and played with the girls a bit before starting my household chores.  The girls played outside once I started cleaning.  I wasn't going to spend all day on it like I usually do so some of the minor stuff didn't get done, but that's okay because I had plans to spend the  afternoon and evening with Kim and Eddy.  

It's been a year and a half since Mom passed away and we need to get the house ready to sell.  This is an extremely emotional journey for each of us.  This is the home we grew up in and shared so many wonderful times.  This home has been in our family for nearly 50 years, but we have put off the inevitable as long as we can.  We need to turn it over to another family and hopefully they too will share as much happiness, and in all fairness sadness as we did within those four walls. 

We all planned to meet at 4pm at Mom's.  The game plan was to.....well get a game plan!  We were going to brain storm and get some idea on what should be done first and go from there.  I stopped by Starbucks and brought us each a caramel latte.  I should have known that we wouldn't get anything done, and if I'd have put some money on it, I'd have won.  But did we have a good time?  You bet we did!

Saturday's Comings and Goings

Monday morning already!  Where does the time go?  There is either not enough hours in the day anymore to get everything done, or I'm moving slower and not getting it done as quick as I used to.  Seriously though, I used to have help and now I chose to do it myself, so I guess it's a combination of both.

Saturday I ran a couple of errands and then came home and did some yard work.  Some people just hate it, but I love it!  I didn't get that much done other than mowing and raking the lawn, raking up a few leaves and trimming the lavender back a bit.  My mower mulches, but since the grass is so wet that feature doesn't work too well.  I'm sure my mower blade needs sharpening too, but since that's not going to happen anytime soon I'll make do.  The hedge that runs the length of the front of my property needs trimming.  It needed it last year, but I never got around to it.  The snow and ice were not kind this past winter, so if Steve doesn't help trim it I'll have to hire it done.  The job is too big for me to tackle alone. 

I talked for a bit with my neighbor Brian who is still living next door, although his days are numbered now.  If you remember an earlier entry (I think November) I wrote how he and his wife are losing their home because they defaulted on the payments.  Well, apparently all his options have been used and he will be served in the next 3 weeks with a eviction order.  Too bad.  He was a great neighbor and I'll hate to see him go. 

Sally and Bud (neighbors across the street) put new siding on their house a couple of weeks ago.  They've been painting the trim adding more plants to their beds.  Their place really looks nice.

Doug and Kelly (next door) are putting up a white picket fence in their backyard.  Doug is doing the work himself and it looks great!

Now for Sunday....................

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Daily Affirmation

Effective people are not problem-minded; they're opportunity minded. They feed opportunities
and starve problems.    

Stephen Covey


I cannot give you the formula for success, but I
can give you the formula for failure—which is:
Try to please everybody.

Herbert Bayard Swope



Today is going to be a beautiful, warm spring day!  I have so much to do.  I have to get some housework done, go to the bank, get my yard mowed and do a bit of grocery shopping.  Tomorrow I am meeting Kim and Eddy at Mom's to go through some things.  We have to get the house on the market.  More about that later.

I bought Madison a Easter Romper and Blouse.  This set is designed to go with the cute little Easter sweater I bought a couple of weeks ago.  I am so bad about buying clothes for that little doll!

I am so tired!  My potassium level is low though, and I read on WEBMD that causes one to be tired.  I am supposed to be eating a lot of bananas and drinking orange juice, but to be honest I am not that fond of those two things so it's hard to force myself to eat something I don't particularly like.  Do you know what I mean?

I have to find a new doctor too.  What a pain!  The doctor I was seeing is going to work in a local hospital.  This same happened to the doctor I had before this one.  I think the clinic I go to is causing this problem.  It's run by a bunch of business men - not doctors, and I had a doctor tell me that the place is just a lawsuit waiting to happen.  Doctors and nurses are overworked and over-scheduled.  All for the almighty dollar.  I know this is true because my Mom had a problem at the same clinic where she was told to undressed and sit up on a gurney to wait for the doctor.  My Mom was in her 80's at the time and became dizzy and fell!  The doctor found her laying on the floor some time later, and had the audacity to ask what she was doing on the floor!

On a lighter note, I hope you all have a relaxing weekend!   


Thursday, March 18, 2004

Battle of The Wits.............part 2

February 05, 2004
Rumsfeld: Kennedy 'All Wet' About Bush Lies
(2004-02-05) -- Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told Sen Edward M. Kennedy yesterday that he was "all wet" when the Senator alleged that the Bush administration lied about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction to justify going to war.
The verbal clash came during Mr. Rumsfeld's testimony at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing probing the state of pre-war intelligence.

Sen. Kennedy began his questioning of the Defense Secretary by saying, "Don't you think some members of the Bush administration should be held legally accountable for the lies they told about Iraqi weapons, and the subsequent cover-up?"

"First, with all due respect Senator Kennedy, you're all wet," said Mr. Rumsfeld "The administration has not lied or covered up. However, in general, I do believe that when a man commits a crime he should face the bar of justice. He should not be allowed to serve in positions of power in our government, and be hailed as a leader, when the question of his guilt remains unresolved, if you know what I mean."

"I'm sure I do not know what you mean," Mr. Kennedy said. "But the American people deserve to know why you can't find Saddam's weapons of mass destruction."

"Sometimes things are hard to find, even when you know where they are," said Mr. Rumsfeld. "For example, I've heard of a man who missed a bridge and drove his car into the water, even though he knew where the bridge was. And then sometimes you just keep diving into a problem and despite repeated efforts, you come up empty handed. That doesn't mean that nothing's there. As you know, eventually, the truth comes to light."

Having no further questions, Mr. Kennedy yielded the remainder of his time.

A Battle of The Wits......part 1

I missed this entirely in the news, but my sister sent me the link.  I hope you all enjoy it as much as we did!  You gotta love old Rumsfield!


You will only understand the symbolism of the following if you learned through extraneous history or were old enough to have watched it play out that Ted Kennedy drove off of a bridge in Massachusetts on his way to an island with Mary Joe Kopechne in the late 60's.  He did NOT seek help to rescue her when he surfaced.  Instead he made his way to a hotel, called friends and the next morning reported the accident.  She was, needless to say, both dead and wet.  Kennedy faced no type of any censure or reprimand, much less any legal punishment for this negligent act of manslaughter.  Kennedy power extends wide in that part of America.  You have got to love the chutzpah of Rumsfeld. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2004


I took these pics yesterday but didn't have time to download them from the camera before work.  I still have a lot of clean-up work to do, and this is only a small portion of my yard.  Ignore any little weeds that you might see.  They are such camera hogs!

Two Big Thank You's

Two big THANK YOU'S go out to two wonderful people here in j-land.  The first goes to Hans for the great idea of the ant hotel idea.  I've heard of them before, but never thought about using them until he brought it up.  I'll let you know how they work for me.

The 2nd goes to Deb for showing me how to input text under my pictures.  I've tried and tried to figure that out.  I have no idea where I went wrong, but with her expertise I now have it mastered!

You guys are the greatest for sure!

Tuesday, March 16, 2004


I don't know how to get text input under my pictures.  Can someone help me??

The Girls

Here are a few recent pics of the girls.  They would rather look out the living room window and mentally massacre a neighboring squirrel than pose for a photo with their Mom. Ha!  In their minds, they are Pitbulls when it comes to a squirrel!

I stopped by Home Depot last night on my way home and bought two gate springs.  I'm so afraid that we are going to let the girls out one day or night and one of the gates will be open and they'll make an escape.  It's happened before and it's not a pretty sight to see me running down the street, my hair flying every which way, after these two dogs - cursing all the way, I might add.  You just can't imagine it in the wildest of imaginations - trust me! 

I don't get home until after dark, so God only knows when the springs will get installed, but probably this weekend.  I've never installed one of these springs, but it can't take a rocket scientist - right?

Yesterday, at lunch I ran my car through the car wash and then me through Starbucks.  I love Starbucks' iced Lattes.  They are so refreshing.  When I got back to work there was a pretty irrate customer on the phone.  Without going into a lot of boring detail we saved the business by doing what should have been done to begin with.  You know, I just don't undertand why some of my co-workers who get paid good salaries to make good business decisions find it so difficult to do so.  But that's a whole other issue.  Luckily, this guy had the fortitude to keep pushing and finally got someone who listened to him and then asessed the situation, and finally did the right thing for everyone concerned.  I think some folks get on a power trip because they can tell another person "NO".  I always tell people that if you don't agree with something simply and respectfully ask to speak to someone else. That doesn't mean that you are always going to get what you want because you won't, but at least you'll know that the situation was reviewed by yet one other person who just might agree with you!

I'm happy to report that it is another sunny day in the Pacific Northwest.  I sure wish I was going to be home today, because I could get a lot of yard work done.  It's the perfect weather for it.

Have a great day! 

Monday, March 15, 2004


Why is former New York Mayor Ed Koch supporting President Bush?  I thought this was an interesting interview.  What do you think?,2933,109858,00.html

Sunday, Sunday

I know that I said that I was going shopping yesterday, right?  Well I didn't.  My intent was good, but I let the girls out around noon to play a bit and just got caught up in the sunshine, spring air, flowers and all that stuff.  So, before I knew it I had the grass mowed, lawn edged and some weeds pulled!  My yard looks beautiful!  There is still some work to do (when isn't there?), but I am very pleased with the results so far.

I just love gardening, and I can't understand it when I hear people say that they don't.  What's there not to like?  It makes me feel good to give Mother Nature a hand and feel one with earth.  If I won the lottery I might hire a housekeeper, but I sure wouldn't hire a gardner.

QUESTION: I noticed some tiny ants around the outside of my patio door the other day.  My neighbor said she'd had problems with them a couple of years ago.  Does anybody have any idea how to get rid of them?  Keep in mind it has to be something that wouldn't be harmful to my girls.  I sprayed them with an ammonia based cleaner and killed them on the spot.  I was able to clean up the residue with a paper towel.  I haven't seen hide nor hair of any since then.  But I think I need something that they will carry back to their nest.  Do ants have nests?  I don't know what they are called, but you all know what I mean!  ha!

This morning I let the girls out at 5:30 and the dawn was just breaking.  The birds were already chirping and the sweet smell of freshly cut grass and newly turned soil invaded my senses and begged me to stay home and play some more!  Ah, but if I could just win the lottery.............

Guess it's time to take a shower and get dressed in a pair of "old" slacks and an "old" blouse.  Perhaps I'll make it to the Mall one night this week after work.  Then again............

Have a great week everyone!

p.s.  It hasn't rained either!  :)

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Another Weekend

Saturday was another beautiful day in the Pacific Northwest.  The sun was out and the temp got up into the low 60's.  The girls played outside a lot yesterday.  They enjoy being outside in their fenced yard.  I still have to go out every so often and check on them though.  You just never know what they could get themselves into. 

My yard needs mowing so bad!  I cleaned house yesterday in the hopes that the grass would be dry in the afternoon, which it was.  But I was too tired by then to tackle the lawn, and besides I had promised Jeri that I'd go to the Mall with her and take a pair of shoes back.  I ended up buying a pair shoes, a couple Easter books of Madison, and a couple cute charm bracelets for birthday gifts.

Later in the evening we met up with Steve, Danelle and Madison for dinner.  Madison is eating finger food now so Danelle pulled out several jars giving our little darling a nice variety of food for dinner.  The rest of us ate pizza and salad.

We followed them home after dinner, because Danelle wanted our opinion on the dress that she'd bought to wear to the wedding they are attending next month in San Diego.  She's worried that it may be too formal.  It is formal, but I have no idea if it's too much so or not.  I suggested that they email the bride and groom a picture and their opinion.

Today I have to go to the Mall (alone) so I can buy a couple pair of slacks and a couple shirts.  My wardrobe is becoming too sparse.  I have a lot of clothes hanging around in closets, but they are all out of date or too "used", if you know what I mean.  I need to get them cleaned out and sent off to some organization who can get more use out of them because I never will.

I don't know if the grass will get cut today either, because it's supposed to rain.  Darn that old rain, anyway!  :) 

Friday, March 12, 2004

Madison's Latest Milestone

Steve emailed me a couple of pictures of Madison on Wednesday.  I honestly figured that he sent them to me because when he and Danelle brought her into the office on Tuesday, he kiddingly mentioned that I had more pictures of my girls than of Madison on my desk.  The two pictures he sent were cute and I saved them in my "Madison" file.

Yesterday, on my way to work I called to say hello and he said, "You haven't mentioned the pictures that I sent you."  I quickly thanked him for sending them and then he said, "Mom, you didn't even notice that she was standing, did you?"

It took just a minute to sink in because to be honest, I didn't notice.  Madison is STANDING on her own!!!!  (well, she has to hold onto something-but still she's standing!!) 

Apparently Steve was getting ready to leave for work, and came around the corner into the family room and there she was standing in her portable playpen and smiling at him!  Luckily, he had his camera phone on his belt and snapped these two pics of this latest milestone that our little darling has achieved!  How cool is that?

Steve and Danelle will be in flying to San Diego Wednesday April 7, and will return on Easter Sunday.  Madison will be staying with me!  I'm really excited about it!  We are going out on our first Grammy and Granddaughter shopping trips!  Yep, there will be more than one during that period of time for sure.  I've got the brand new umbrella stroller and will have a new car seat for her too by then.  I hope I can keep up with her!  Lord, it's been so many years since I have been around a baby fulltime.  This is Steve and Danelle's first time away from Maddie so I'm sure they will be filled with anxiety too.  The only one that will be going into this without expectations will be Madison!  Wish me luck!

Thank God it's Friday!  Have a great weekend! 

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Stacie's Prince

My niece, Stacie and her 8 year old daughter McKenzie, have just set off upon a life altering journey!

Stacie is my sister Kim's daughter and my only niece.  She is absolutely beautiful and has been a single parent to her equally beautiful little daughter for 8 long years.  She has received no child support and has literally raised her child by her self with no outside help whatsoever.  I am extremely proud of her because it is not easy to do.  

Stacie has worked all these years as a server in a upscale local restaurant.  Her hourly wage wasn't that great, but her tips were.  There were many nights when she'd bring home $300 in tips alone, and that was a good thing because she was the sole provider for her child.  Her hard work afforded a nice lifestyle for herself and McKenzie.  She even bought a home!  Kim usually kept McKenzie on weekends so Stacie could work - she was a real go-getter, that girl!

A couple of years ago Stacie met Greg.  He was a bachelor and fell in love with Stacie and McKenzie.  At Christmas, he presented Stacie with a beautiful diamond ring and asked her  to marry him.  She gladly accepted and she and McKenzie started making plans to move to Arizona.  Stacie and Greg bought their dream house and Stacie has decided to put hers up for sale. 

A couple of weeks ago Stacie and McKenzie packed up the last of their belongings  and headed south for Arizona.  We had a big family dinner to send them off.  We are going to miss them so! 

Oh!  I nearly forgot one of the best parts!  Stacie and Greg are expecting their first child in August! 

Kim emailed me yesterday to tell me that in the last couple of days Greg went out and bought Stacie a brand new VW Beetle convertible!  Stacie has wanted one of those little cars for so long, but couldn't justify spending the money on one as a single parent. 

Stacie has finally found her Prince Charming!      

Monday, March 8, 2004

Here We Go Again...........

My car has been on the fritz again.  This time the starter went out.  Not a big job and it didn't cost a great deal.  I can accept this minor maintenance stuff because I don't have a car payment. :)

I met the nicest woman this morning while I was picking up my rental car.  We started talking about our dogs (she has Cairn terriers and I have Westies), then we talked about our kids, and then our Grandchildren.  She was a very unique individual and I hated to see her leave, but as she was going out the door she turned back to me and smiled, saying "Don't worry, our paths will cross again one day.  Just wait and see."  I thought that a bit odd, but was delighted to hear her say it just the same as she obviously felt the same way.   

Steve and Danelle brought Madison over to my office this afternoon.  Everyone thinks she is much cuter in person.  I keep telling them it's not her, it's me and that stupid camera! ha-ha! 

Today, Danelle had her dressed like a living doll!  She was wearing a cute little white blouse with pink bows on the short sleeves, a little pair of pink cotton overalls (the dressy type) with white lacey socks and salt water sandals.  Her hair is long enough now that Danelle pulled the front part up into a little ponytail type thingy on top of her head.  Her hair is getting blonder and blonder as time goes on, and I am sure that she will be a towhead like her dad was.  I can't tell you how many people commented that they thought she looked just like the Gerber baby!    Madison was in her usual good mood, smiling at everyone.  What a beautiful little girl!  I am truly blessed!

Steve, Danelle and Madison are such a darling little family.  They all love each so much, and it shows in the way they talk and look at one another.  We are all blessed in so many ways!  I thank God every day for each one of them.

Have a great week everyone!

Sunday, March 7, 2004


Saturday morning I got up around 6:30.  I had to have the girls at the groomer by 8 and I wanted to give them plenty of time to do their business before we left, and I had to make coffee plus get myself ready.  They were so excited to go out with me, and God Bless their little hearts thought that I had forsaken them for sure when I double crossed them and left them at the groomers.  I always feel like such a heel when I have to do that.  I worry the whole time they are gone because I know they are upset about being away. I'll be adding an updated picture of them sometime in the next day or two.   

Anyway, I came back home and made a pot of soup for dinner and did a bit of housework.  Before I knew it the groomer had called (12:30) & I was on my way to pick up my shadows! 

The girls and I spent the day going to some garage sales and thrift stores.  I brought them home and we ate, then I went to the Mall to buy a baby shower gift and a birthday gift for a couple of friends.  I didn't leave the Mall without hitting Nordstroms and the baby clothes though.  I found the cutest little Easter sweater for Madison!  It is so girlie!  I hated the price, but had to have that sweater for The Madison. 

I forgot to pick up Easter cards!  How did that happen?  Oh well, I'm going back to the Mall today anyway.   I've already decided to take the baby shower gift back, because I forgot that I have a darling baby photo album that I'd bought at Penney's a few weeks ago.  I had bought it for Madison's pictures, but have decided to go forward with the scrapbooking thing so I don't really need this album.  Plus, I have to return a blouse that I bought Jeri because she doesn't really think that it's "her".  Good grief, just what I need is another excuse to get back inside that Mall!  I haven't been by Gymboree for some time though..................

Thanks for listening to my ramblings!

Friday, March 5, 2004


Somehow I can't believe that there are any heights
that can't be scaled by a man who knows the secrets
of making dreams come true. This special secret, it
seems to me, can be summarized in four Cs. They are: curiosity, confidence, courage, and constancy, and the greatest of all is confidence. When you believe in a thing,
believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionably.

Walt Disney

DO YOU REMEMBER............pt3

Do you remember a time when decisions were made by going "eeny-meeny-miney-moe"? Mistakes were corrected by simply exclaiming, "Do Over!"? "Race issue" meant arguing about who ran the fastest? Catching the fireflies could happily occupy an entire evening?

Do you remember when places like restaurants advertised "AIR-CONDITIONING" because they were the only ones that had it?

Do you remember going to bed at night without locking the doors, and in the summertime leaving the doors and windows open and smelling that sweet fresh night air while you slept?

Did you ever make forts or playhouses using some old blankets or sheets draped over the clothes line?

Remember making mud pies and sitting them in the sun to "bake"?

Remember picking up pop and beer bottles along side the road for penny candy money?

It wasn't odd to have two or three "Best Friends"? The worst thing you could catch from the opposite sex was "cooties"? Having a weapon in school meant being caught with a slingshot?

A foot of snow was a dream come true? Saturday morning cartoons weren't 30-minute commercials for action figures? "Oly-oly-oxen-free" made perfect sense?  Spinning around, getting dizzy, and falling down was cause for giggles?

The worst embarrassment was being picked last for a team? War was a card game?  Baseball cards in the spokes transformed any bike into a motorcycle? Taking drugs meant orange-flavored chewable aspirin? Water balloons were the ultimate weapon?

If you can remember most or all of these, then you have lived!!!!!!!


When being sent to the principal's office was nothing compared to
the fate that awaited the student at home? Basically we were in fear for our lives, but it wasn't because of drive-by shootings, drugs, gangs, etc.
Our parents and grandparents were a much bigger threat! But we
survived because their love was greater than the threat.

Do you remember Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys, Laurel and Hardy, Howdy Dowdy and the Peanut Gallery, the LoneRanger, The Shadow Knows, Nellie Bell, Roy and Dale, Trigger and Buttermilk?

As well as summers filled with bike rides, baseball games, Hula Hoops,
bowling and visits to the pool, and eating Kool-Aid powder with sugar.

Didn't that feel good, just to go back and say, "Yeah, I remember

I am sharing this with you today because it ended with a double dog dare to pass it on. To remember what a double dog dare is, read on. And remember that the perfect age is somewhere between old enough to know better and too young to care.

How many of these do you remember? Candy cigarettes, Wax Coke-shaped bottles with colored sugar water inside, Soda pop machines that dispensed glass bottles, Coffee shops with tableside jukeboxes, Blackjack, Clove and Teaberry chewing gum, Home milk delivery in glass bottles with cardboard stoppers, Newsreels before the movie, and P.F. Fliers?

Telephone numbers with a word prefix....(Oxford 44615). Party lines, Peashooters, Howdy Dowdy, 45 RPM records, Green Stamps, Hi-Fi's? Metal ice cubes trays with levers, Mimeograph paper, Beanie and Cecil, Roller-skate keys, Cork pop guns, Drive ins and Studebakers? Washtub wringers, The Fuller Brush Man, Reel-To-Reel tape recorders, Tinkertoys, Erector Sets, The Fort Apache Play Set, Lincoln Logs, 15 cent McDonald hamburgers and a sack of White Castles, 5 cent packs of baseball cards - with that awful pink slab of bubble gum? Penny candy, 35 cent a gallon gasoline, Jiffy Pop popcorn?


Thursday, March 4, 2004


All the girls had ugly gym uniforms?
It took five minutes for the TV warm up?

Nearly everyone's Mom was at home when the kids got home from school, and nobody owned a purebred dog?

When a quarter was a decent allowance?
You'd reach into a muddy gutter for a penny?
Your Mom wore nylons that came in two pieces?
All your male teachers wore neckties and female teachers had their hair done every day and wore high heels?

You got your windshield cleaned, oil checked, and gas pumped, without asking, all for free, every time?
And you didn't pay for water or air, and you got trading stamps to boot?
Laundry detergent had free glasses, dishes or towels hidden inside the box?

It was considered a great thing to be taken out to dinner at a real restaurant with your parents?  Remeber when those restaurants advertised air-conditioning to get you inside?  They threatened to keep kids back a grade if they failed and they did?

When a 57 Chevy was everyone's dream cruise,
peel out, lay rubber or watch submarine races, and people went steady?  No one ever asked where the car keys were because they were always in the car, in the ignition, and the doors were never locked?

Lying on your back in the grass with your friends and saying things like, "That cloud looks like a ...."

Playing baseball with no adults to help kids with the rules of the game?  Stuff from the store came without safety caps and hermetic seals because no one had yet tried to poison a perfect stranger? 

And with all our progress, don't you just wish, just once, you could slip back in time and savor the slower pace,and share it with the children of today?

Wednesday, March 3, 2004

Daily Affirmation

The toughest part of getting to the top of the ladder, 
is getting through the crowd at the bottom. 

The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.

Albert Einstein


Sent: Monday, March 01, 2004 6:54 PMSubject: Update from the Doctor

Hello all,

First I want to thank all of you for your prayers and support for Elden, Rachel, and I. We are doing OK. There are good times and bad times every day. I am focusing on having more good times than bad!!

We went to the neurologist today. They have completely ruled out any physical problem or damage. That means no tumors, stroke, or brain damage. We are definitely thanking God for that blessing. The neurologist says that I have transient global amnesia. This is not common, but also not unheard of. Usually people who suffer from this only lose a couple of months of memory, so I am a special case. I guess it is good to be special!!

They do not know what causes this memory loss, but they do know that usually you will get back over 50% of the memories lost, we just don't know when. It will happen slowly and will come back in fragments, but the good news is that some of it will come back. I am excited for that to happen, it is really hard not to have the memories of Rachel growing up.

I do have a couple more tests to do. These are basically needed to check overall health and wrap up the evaluation. I will continue to meet with the neurologist for awhile so that he can continue to monitor my recovery. Since there really isn't a set end to the recovery, I will probably be having regular doctor visits for quite some time.

We are working on getting back to some kind of a normal life, but there is so much new information for me every day that I get pretty run down very quickly. So much has changed in the past 3 1/2 years, that it is quite overwhelming to take it all in.

I thank all of you for being there this past week. Your visits, phone calls, and emails have been the best therapy. I have such awesome people in my life and I want you all to know that I appreciate your willingness to help. I also thank you for your support for Elden. It is obvious that I am going through a lot, but he is too and needs just as much prayer and support, so thank you so very much.



Update on Jackie!!  Margi sent this note this morning: I am forwarding the message Jackie sent out as she states things very well.  A day at a time is the way it is going, but at least there is nothing physically wrong like stroke, tumor etc. My radiation treatment went well and I am cancer free so we do have many things to be thankful for. I want to reiterate what Jackie said about thanking all of you for your prayers, thoughts and concern.  It definitely made a bad week easier to deal with. Thanks again. M (PLEASE SEE PART TWO FOR JACKIE'S NOTE)

What I was looking for..........

Barbaraae asked why I went to see the movie "PASSION OF THE CHRIST". I started to leave an answer in the comment field, but decided that it certainly would not afford me enough space to answer this properly. Her question is certainly simple enough, but how does one answer when the topic is so deeply personal and complex?

There are many reasons that I went to see the movie. First of all, and to be honest, I wanted to see what all the hype was about. I'd heard how bloody and gory it is, and because of the violence a person less than 17 years of age would not be allowed to see it unless accompanied by an adult. All of which is rather ironic it seems considering the subject matter, and the fact the children all over the world are dying daily, victims of "religious" wars and "religious" radicals. I guess that's okay as long as they don't have to witness the violence in a movie theater.

There has been so much controversy about the topic, and everyone, it seems, has an opinion whether they have seen the movie or not. I prefer to do my own thinking and not allow critics to influence me one way or the other. Rather than walking around spouting a mindless opinion about a movie that I hadn't seen, I wanted to see it first hand and form my own opinion so that my spouting would have some merit - at least to me. Thankfully, I am now able to dispel the negative comments I hear.

And last, but certainly not least I wanted to "witness" the Crucifixion of Christ. It is extremely hard to explain why I needed to be a witness, of sorts. A personal relationship with God is the ultimate love, and to give one's life for another is the ultimate sacrifice. Reading about the Crucifixion and being able to "see" it drives home the reality of the sacrifice.

The movie, on some level gave me a feeling of renewal, rebirth and ultimately love - a love that could never be challenged.

That is what I went for.

Monday, March 1, 2004


I came away from this movie thinking only this: Here was a great man, who endured great suffering and gave His life for His beliefs. It is very moving and extremely emotional. I can't imagine having the moral and spiritual fortitude to withstand what Jesus did. I am in awe of Him!

As we left the theater no one spoke a word, and I swear you could have heard a pin drop.  It was one of the few times that I can say I was truly speechless.  I noticed that the people waiting to see the next performance were looking at us as if searching our faces for something.  Perhaps they saw something in our eyes, I don't know.    

I do know I found what I came for.  I hope after seeing the film they did too.   



People have criticized Mr. Gibson for the content of movie. Many felt that he should have relayed the teachings of Christ rather than the crucifixion. Some felt the portrayal too graphic and bloody.

Mel Gibson is depicting the crucifixion of Christ not His teachings, and I believe that message may have fallen on deaf ears in the media, and with some people of other religions.

It is important to understand that crucifixions were a normal style of execution in Christ's time, much like the electric chair, although barbaric, is an accepted style of execution in ours.

Of course the crucifixion was graphic and bloody. Did you think it'd be like going to a picnic? The whole point is that Christ died enduring the worst possible inhumanities for His beliefs.

When people are killing people it is not a pretty sight, but it is a fact and I believe that Mel Gibson did a good job in following along with the scripture without pointing fingers (as many, for some ridiculous reason, have thought).

PEOPLE! Stop being so self-absorbed! It is not about YOU! This is a story about Christ and His suffering on the cross for His beliefs and convictions!


I believe that what has set this movie aside from others is the fact that it is depicting Christ. If it were a story about two thieves being crucified, like the two men who accompanied Christ, then there would be no controversy.


Saturday afternoon at 4:00pm I attended Mel Gibson's "THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST". The theater was packed and to be honest I was a bit surprised considering the topic, but even more surprising was the motley group that made up the audience. Young, middle aged, old, female, male, every color and ethic background seemed to be represented. There was absolutely no talking, no whispering, no laughing and no cell phones ringing. I don't recall noticing anyone getting up to go for refreshments.  Everyone's eyes was riveted to the big screen. We all sat speechless. It was, without a doubt, one of the most moving experiences of my life.

It's important for me to say that I am not overly religious. I am Catholic, but to be honest with you when I attend Mass, I take what I need and I leave the rest, if you know what I mean. In my mind's eye I am not a hypocrite, but at the same time I am not a phony. If you don't know what I mean, then never mind. It's not open for debate.

It is also important for me to point out that one of my all time favorite uncles was Jewish. So I am not biased when it comes to another person's religion. I don't believe that any one people will make it into heaven before any other. I do believe that if you live a good, honest life you stand as good of a chance as I do to get there, and if I were to be honest maybe even better. I have a couple of sins on my soul that won't put me in the front of the line any time soon, that's for sure.