Saturday, March 20, 2004


Today is going to be a beautiful, warm spring day!  I have so much to do.  I have to get some housework done, go to the bank, get my yard mowed and do a bit of grocery shopping.  Tomorrow I am meeting Kim and Eddy at Mom's to go through some things.  We have to get the house on the market.  More about that later.

I bought Madison a Easter Romper and Blouse.  This set is designed to go with the cute little Easter sweater I bought a couple of weeks ago.  I am so bad about buying clothes for that little doll!

I am so tired!  My potassium level is low though, and I read on WEBMD that causes one to be tired.  I am supposed to be eating a lot of bananas and drinking orange juice, but to be honest I am not that fond of those two things so it's hard to force myself to eat something I don't particularly like.  Do you know what I mean?

I have to find a new doctor too.  What a pain!  The doctor I was seeing is going to work in a local hospital.  This same happened to the doctor I had before this one.  I think the clinic I go to is causing this problem.  It's run by a bunch of business men - not doctors, and I had a doctor tell me that the place is just a lawsuit waiting to happen.  Doctors and nurses are overworked and over-scheduled.  All for the almighty dollar.  I know this is true because my Mom had a problem at the same clinic where she was told to undressed and sit up on a gurney to wait for the doctor.  My Mom was in her 80's at the time and became dizzy and fell!  The doctor found her laying on the floor some time later, and had the audacity to ask what she was doing on the floor!

On a lighter note, I hope you all have a relaxing weekend!   


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