Monday, May 3, 2004

My Girls, My Best Friends

"Aquiring a dog

may be the only opportunity

a human ever has

to choose a relative."

No truer words have ever been spoken.  My two little Westies are the best relatives that anyone could ever wish for.  They are unassuming, unpretentious, undemanding, do whatever I ask, mind pretty good (better than most kids I've been around-including my own), and they love me unconditionally!  They don't care if I'm in a good mood or bad mood, they don't care if I smell from being outside working, they don't care if I put on weight or fail to take some off, they don't care if I walk around without makeup and my hair a mess, they don't care if I wear old tee shirts with holes in them around the house, they don't care if I occasionally rant & rave, and they are totally loyal and trustworthy, and never tell on me for anything-not if I say something unkind about someone or something, have an occasional drink (which would be very rare-but a nice piece of gossip just the same), or even if I run naked from the bathroom to the utility room to fetch a clean shirt out of the dryer. They don't care if the house is clean, or the yard work is done; and they don't care what I'm fixing for dinner, or when I fix it.  I know that I can trust them completely - I can leave home alone for the evening and never have to worry about them throwing some wild party and inviting a bunch of friends in to trash the place.  Last but not least, they never criticize me for anything - not even if I forget their treats at the store!  They are truly my best friends.

Now how many human relatives fall into that category?  



Anonymous said...

How nice to sign on and see The Girls. I suppose they're watching out for squirrels, standing there at the window.

Anonymous said...

The Girls are beautiful and I wouldn't trade my girls for anything.  You are right, there is no human relative that can match what my girls give me.  Of course I love my human relatives but my girls are special.