Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Daily Affirmation

For a long time it had seemed to
me that life was about to begin--
real life. But there was always
some obstacle in the way,
something to be gotten through
first, some unfinished business,
time still to be served, a debt to
be paid. Then life would begin.
At last it dawned on me that
these obstacles were my life.
-- Alfred D. Souza

The tragedy of life is
not that it ends
so soon, but that we
wait so long to begin it.
-- Anonymous


Update On Kiersten From Mommie Kim


Well, we had a rough couple of days.  I wanted to wait until today, as we were to get all the test results back, before I sent the email.

About 3-4 days ago we were told that Kiersten had pneumonia and a yeast infection along with the fluid that is on her lungs due to being a preemie.  Her oxygen stats kept dropping very low as a result of this.   It takes 3 days to grow the cultures to determine what the infection was.  I was extremely upset and incredibly fearful of losing her.

They were very proactive and placed her on antibiotics immediately, even though we didn't know the type of infection at the time.  I cried a lot at the hospital and couldn't see a good outcome.  However, God is so gracious and she just got better and better each day.

The yeast infection was only on the outside and is almost gone.  They are keeping her on antibiotics for 5-7 days but the infection is on it's way out.  We pray the antibiotics will continue to kill the infection and she will be OK.  

Today - we went in and found her on C-PAP.  And guess what?!!  It is working.  It is successful.  All of her blood work and other tests they ran came back good.  She just needs to finish the antibiotics.  She is up to 6.8 cc's of breast milk an hour and she looks good.

I was able to hold her today for about 45 minutes and she was very alert.  She looked at me a lot and the entire time they moved her to me, while she was with me and when they moved her back - her stats never dropped and she kept right on breathing just fine!  Yeah!!

I know people are praying and continue to pray.  We need that and we appreciate it.  I know that your prayers are going on and I found peace in that these last few days with the fear we were both feeling.  I am happy to report in this email that she looks great.  Kirk heard her cry today now that there isn't a tube in her throat.  I wasn't there yet - so I have to wait to hear that - hopefully there will be plenty of opportunity for it.

Thank you again for the donations, gifts and cards that have come in.  We can't say thank you enough!!!!

We are 1/2 way done with getting our website set up.  Kirk will have all past and current pixs on it once we have it done.

We pray for your families and pray God continue to bless you all!!

Love - Kirk and Kimberly

Monday, June 28, 2004


Kim and I had a nice day together yesterday.  We always have such fun together.  We met for breakfast and then headed over to Mom's, after stopping for latte's. 

Kim started cleaning the bathroom and I started on the kitchen.  We decided that we'd each take one room.  We threw out all the food items and most of mom's cosmetics that we didn't want ourselves.  I don't know if I'd mentioned that my mom had been a beautician and owned her own shop at one time.  Well, I don't know if that is partially what fueled her love of cosmetics, face creams, various hair restorers and the like, but I'm telling you the woman must have spent a small fortune on stuff to make herself look and smell good!

We threw out a full garbage can of jars, bottles, cans and tubes of partially used creams and other beauty aids. She had every major and expensive brand of eye and wrinkle cream that is on the market.  Some we kept and some we tossed.

She seemed obsessed with her hair too.  She used AVACOR which is a spendy little treatment for people with thinning hair - my mother did not have thin hair!  I wonder if she thought it would thicken it to the shiny mass that she once had? 

There was stuff that fixed splint ends, stuff that made hair shiny, stuff that conditioned, stuff that stipped other stuff from the hair......the list goes on and on.  I was shocked by the mass quantities that she had in her bathroom and some had even spilled over to a cabinet in her kitchen!

My mom always kept her perfumes (real and otherwise) in her fridge.  Sounds odd, but if perfume is kept in a dark cold place it will last forever and won't go rancid.  So her perfumes are still in the fridge.  We won't throw any of those out, because mom only used the best!

My mother, the Jackie Kennedy Onassis wanna-be.  God love her!

Even though she was in her 80's when she died, she was still tryng her best to look beautiful and younger.  I'll always remember the day not so long ago when she asked me, "Do you know how much I weigh?"  When I admitted that I didn't, she said proudly:  "108 pounds!" (my mom was 5'6" tall) And then added: "That's what I weighed on my honeymoon!" 

What a woman! 


Saturday, June 26, 2004


Here we are already in the middle of another busy weekend.  I am trying my best to gather "stuff" around my house for a garage sale the first weekend in July.  I am bound and determined to be rid of so much that I don't use, will never use, despise for various reasons and finally stuff that is just worn out.  I can't stand clutter and unfortunately, I have found myself in the middle of it.  Old clothes, picture frames, old dishes, cups, mugs, mismatched glasses, old toys, lamps, furniture and God knows what else.  I have July 4th week as vacation, and I will be spending getting rid of "stuff".  I think once it is done I will feel so much better about everything.  "Stuff" has a way of weighing me down to the point of becoming overwhelming.  I know it sounds ridiculous, but it is true.  Just my makeup I guess.

Tomorrow Kim and I are meeting at mom's to work some more on getting her place cleaned out.  It seems that it is a never ending saga - ha!

Oh well, I am really not complaining.  I have thankful for my life as it is.  Things could always be worse - just look around!

I got to visit with Madison two nights this week!  Steve and Danelle bought a new Ford Expedition and brought it over for me to see and test drive.  They decided to go out for Chinese food later and I suggested that they leave Maddie with grammy.  That child and I are going to be really close.  I can just tell.  She crawls up on my lap and hugs me and kisses me on the lips now - with her mouth OPEN, no less! haha!  She'll eventually get the hang of it though.  You just can't imagine (or maybe you can) what my heart does at that moment! 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  The weather is supposed to be great here.  Don't work too hard and remember to take some time out for yourself.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Daily Affirmation

Hope is the thing
with feathers
That perches on the soul
And sings the time
without the words
And never stops at all.
Emily Dickinson

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Email From Mommie Kim

Good Morning!

I'll start with the less important and then get to Kiersten!!  : - ) smile

1) Some folks have asked about the funeral.  There is a graveside service being held.  However, that is for immediate family and a select few others only.  The memorial service at 10:00 am on July 10th is open to anyone who would like to attend.  Thanks for asking!!

2) Some folks have had trouble depositing into the bank account.  The problem was they were not having the teller bring it up with the word "The" first.  You have to have the teller input the full name starting with "The"......"The Carl Family Medical Fund".  Thanks for asking!!

3) Some folks also couldn't get the memorial page website to open up.  Here is the address again.  Maybe I didn't give the full address the first time around.  Sorry and Thanks for asking about it.


OK - on to other things.  Kirk's MRI revealed that he has a small bulge in one of the disks in his back.  The doc feels that it may correct itself with physical therapy and chiropractic.  Please pray that this heals for Kirk as he is still having pain in this area.  Thanks!

5) I am healing well.  Still have pain but I am off the pain meds as the pain is minimal.

6) I need to send a big "thank you" to everyone.  The cards we have received and the emails we have received have been so nice.  They both have meant so much!  We appreciate your care for us and your support.  Your prayers have been inmeasurable and a blessing to us each day!

7) Kiersten - As of yesterday she is doing well for the most part.  She is up to 2 pounds 10.5 ounces.  She is receiving 3.6 cc's an hour of breast milk.  The full dose is 7.5 cc's an hour and she is increasing every day so this is very good news.  Her peeing and pooping is right on track and going well also.  However, she is experiencing Morphine withdrawal symptoms, which is common since that is what they give them for pain.  Doesn't make Mommy or Daddy happy though.  They are now backing off on pain med and weaning her very slowly off Morphine.  She has another med that sedates her when needed....that is most likely what they will continue with and only some morphine when needed.  Please pray for her in this area.

They are going to try C-PAP again today.  I will be at the hospital in about an hour and will get the update on if it has been working this time or not.  Hopefully it will!!

We found out that she will be assigned to an occupational and physical therapist once discharged and she will have about 2-4 appts each month with them, as well as her pediatrician appts.  Whew - she will keep Mommy busy!!  : - ) smile

Love to each of you and your families!  Kirk and I pray for your families each night.  We so appreciate your continued prayers for our family and our baby girl !!!!

Kirk and Kimberly

An Unexpected Visitor

Last night after work, I met my sister Kim at WalMart to pick up a few things.  We decided to go our own ways for a bit so we could get the necessities that we each came for, and meet back up.  I had just pushed my cart down an aisle looking for peanut butter when I felt a shopping cart nudge my rearend softly.  I turned and saw first this big chest and was about to say something (I have no idea what, because I am not rude in public), and my eyes scanned up to the face and it was Steve!  Imagine my surprise!  Madison was sitting in the shopping cart like a little princess smiling from ear to ear.  Long story short, we finally got Danelle out of the dressing room where she was trying on capri pants, and found Kim wandering down an aisle like there was no tomorrow.  The five of us visited for a while and it was decided that Madison would come home with me for the evening while mommy and daddy ran some errands.  I was tickled to death to take her with me and figured on my drive home that this would be the first of many such escapades that we'd each enjoy in the years to come.

Once home she played underfoot in the kitchen while I fixed a quick dinner of BBQ'd steak, caesar salad, baked potatoes and corn on the cob.  Thank God for microwaves because the potatoes were done in 10 minutes!  Then we played and grammy gave her a bath and put on a clean outfit.  Daddy and mommy picked up their little darling around 10pm and was she tired!  (so was grammy)

I love spontaneous evenings like this, but not as much as I love Madison! 

Monday, June 21, 2004


I was having Madison withdrawals yesterday and had to go over and see my darling little granddaughter for an hour or so.  Guess what?  She is walking!  She was taking 3 or 4 steps at a time right around her birthday, but now nearly two weeks later she is WALKING!  Not just a few steps and sitting down, but walking clear across the room!  I was so surprised to see her chubby little feet moving so fast!  Toys were littered all over the family room and if I saw Danelle pick them up once, she must have picked them up 10 times while I was there.  Madison is going to need a toy box for sure! 

Anyway, the walking thing was neat but the most precious thing of all is when she reaches for me and hugs me!  She really loves me! 

Not much more to report.  It's going to be another scorcher today - around 90. I hate it when it gets that hot. 

Hope all is going well in your worlds.  Have a great week everyone!

Sunday, June 20, 2004

More Good News From Mommie Kim

Hello Family, Friends and new found Friends!!

First let me say "Thank You" to all of you who posted a message on the Memorial Page for the girls that my friend made.  They were awesome messages and we loved each and everyone of them.  Some were hard to get through but well worth it.  We were very blessed!  I am unable to respond to each of you individually at this time but will respond when time allows. For those of you who may not have heard of the site I posted it below.


Kiersten is doing well.  She is up to 2 pounds and 7.5 ounces.  That is 8.5 ounces more than when she was born!  Yippee!  They will again try C-PAP on either Tuesday or Wednesday!  Sometimes they have to try up to 5 or 6 times.  Lets hope she gets the hang of it soon.  Better for her health to be off ventilator as soon as possible.

Once she is a little older they will check her eyes for a preemie eye condition - R.O.P and if she has it they will need to correct it with surgery to save her sight.  Not too worried about it at this time but we talked about it today.  Most don't need surgery so we pray she is one of the ones that doesn't need it.

I also just wanted to say ONCE AGAIN thank you for your prayers and your support!!!!  We can not say how much we appreciate ALL the people that have been praying for our girls and continue to pray for Kiersten and her parents!!!  We hope to meet those we have not met one day and we also pray and contend for your families as well.

We'll keep you posted on how things go.  We have began seeing a few people and hope to continue to do more of that in the next few weeks.  It has been hard but it is good for us also.  

God Bless!

Kirk and Kimberly

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful Dads out there!

The Berry Patch

Yesterday morning I got up early and decided after coffee that I'd go next door to Brian's vacant house and pick some raspberries.  He planted a small patch a couple of years ago to keep the neighbor boy from jumping his fence and knocking it down.  

It was a warm spring morning and the sky was as blue as I'd ever seen it.  The warm sun was starting to dry the dew on the grass, and the air was fresh with the scent of new mowed grass.  Occasionally the fragrant scent of roses and damp soil wafted in the air.  It was peaceful and quiet with a few birds chirping in the trees nearby.

I approached the berry patch with bowl in hand, looking forward to some moments of solitude where my thoughts were mine alone with no immediate demands at hand.  The berries were abundant and the fruit dropped easily from my fingers to the bowl.  I'd picked but a handful when I heard a rustle in the bushes coming from the opposite side of the fence.  I could only see the top of someone's head and knew immediately that it was a child from the height of the little head.  I was surprised that someone would be out here so early, and my first thought was that this was the fence jumper.  I asked: "Who's there?"  A small girl's voice answered, "It's just me."  

Slightly perturbed inwardly, because my prized solitude was interrupted, I asked:  "Who's me and what are doing over there?" 

The same small, sweet voice said:  "My name is McKenzie and I am picking raspberries.  Dick said I could."  Dick is my single neighbor whose property butts up against mine and a bit of Brian's.  The raspberry bushes hang over the fence that separates the two properties.

"Oh.  I'm sorry I was a bit startled," I said weakly as I tried to make silent amends. 

"That's okay."  McKenzie said brightly.  Soon she was joined by Beckah and another little girl.  After we'd introduced ourselves to each other, I asked what they were going to do with their raspberries. McKenzie, the self appointed spokesperson for the group said, they were picking them because Beckah's mother was going to make them raspberry cobbler.  They asked what I was doing with mine and I confessed that they were for cereal.  We continued talking with them asking about my girls, Katie Rose and Sophie Jo, and about the dead squirrel at the end of my street.  Somehow the conversation moved from the dead squirrel to a duck that Beckah's mom hit on the freeway, to a grandfather who died of a heartattack.  Suddenly Beckah said, "Why are we talking about dying?"  We all laughed and I fell silent while they chattered on about the sleepover last night at Beckah's house celebrating the last day of school.  They talked amongst themselves, forgetting that I was there, about how McKenzie's grandmother made the best cobbler, but Beckah's mom made the best pie.  It was fun listening to them, but just as suddenly as they appeared that morning they also left with a full bowl of berries and talking non-stop all the way across the yard to Beckah's house.  Suddenly everything was quiet except for the birds chirping.   

A bright cheerful morning had suddenly turned rather melencholy.  I was transferred back in time to the 1950's when I was one of those little girls picking berries for my mom.  So many good memories passed through me while I silently harvested berries from Brian's crop.  Warm sunny mornings when the most we had to do as kids was roll out of bed and head for the breakfast table; where we'd sit and plan out our day: bike riding, swimming, picnics, hide & go seek - just a few of the many things that kept us busy.  I miss those days and my mother and dad.  I miss the carefree feeling of childhood, and the love of my parents which protected us from the evil lurking in this world.  I miss playing with my brother and sister, and laughing over silly things that had no meaning. I miss sitting beside my mom on the couch while she scratched my back or lovingly combed my hair.  I miss hugging my dad and smelling the scent of Old Spice on his face.  I miss my childhood.          

I enjoyed my morning visit with the little berry patch visitors.  I was able to revisit my childhood and the memories have left me with a warmth in my heart and spirit.  I realized too that time goes by so quick and none of us acknowledge along the way just how precious our life experiences are until we are much older.  The adventures of childhood soon become just a memory, and the longing of reliving them is all we are left with.  In a way it would be more fitting to be born old and wrinkled and work backward to youth, with the wisdom to make all the right choices and understand what is important.  It seems that we waste so much of our life looking for answers that we don't recognize them when they are right in front of us.  The choices that I would make today are so very different from the choices that I made in the past.  I caused not only myself more misery and heartache than was necessary, but contributed to the heartache of some of those around me.  All because I was immature, young, foolish, bullheaded and independent.  Much too independent in some respects for my own good. 

This is really not about me and my bad choices though.  This was an experience of a lifetime and I am grateful to McKenzie and Beckah for interrupting my morning.  They were instrumental in catapulting me back in time to good memories of a lost and sometimes forgotton childhood, and then ultimately forcing me to check my own inventory.  It is always a humbling experience. 

Saturday, June 19, 2004

More Good News........

Hello to Family and Friends!!

Apparently I scared a few of you with the title of my last email on Kiersten.  So, this time I put "good news" in the title!!

They attempted to put her on C-PAP so she was off the ventilator.  However, she wasn't strong enough and kept forgetting to breathe.  The doctors and nurses were not overly concerned.  They kept making her wake up and breathe and then decided since her blood gas was too high they needed to put her back on the ventilator.  Mommy however was a basket case every time she quit breathing.  So Mommy is happy they put her back on the ventilator.  Today, the doc said they will try again in 4-5 days.  It is not uncommon for the babies to have to go through this a few times since the machine has been doing some of the work for them - they become lazy.  Hmmm - breathing is something she can not become lazy about though! : - )

Many have asked about her weight.  She was born at 1 pound 15 ounces.  The last time I asked, which was before her surgery she weighed 2 pounds 3 ounces.  Since then they have had her up to 1.7 cc's of food, then back to 1 cc and now working her back up to more food (she went down due to the surgery- fyi).  Hopefully she will begin gaining more weight.  I'll keep you aprised.

Today I got to hold her for 30 minutes on my chest.  Her skin on my skin.  Her hair is so pretty and soft!  She is a little heater though.  Man - for as little as she is - she makes me burn up....nothing but heat radiating from her little frame!  That's ok.  Mommy doesn't mind - I just love holding her!!!  Especially since it was only the second time I have gotten to hold her!!!

We spent yesterday at the funeral home, the cemetery and the flower shop.  It was difficult and draining.  Very emotional to say the least as this should be a completely joyful time in our lives not a sorrowful one.  However, it did help to go to the hospital and see our sweet baby.

Thank you for your friendship and support.  I am grateful to ALL of you - those I know and those we have never met that continue to pray for us.  To Nationwide specifically - thank you so much for your support.  I have never worked with people more special than all of you!!!!!

Kirk and Kimberly

Friday, June 18, 2004

Daily Affirmation

The fruit of love is service. The fruit of service is peace. And peace begins with a smile.

Mother Teresa



If the US government determines that it is against the law for the words "under God" to be on our money, then, so be it.

And if that same government decides that the "Ten Commandments" are not to be used in or on a government installation, then, so be it. .........................................................................

And since they already have prohibited any prayer in the schools, of  which they deem their authority, then so be it.

I say, "so be it," because I would like to be a law abiding US citizen. .........................................................................

I say, "so be it," because I would like to think that smarter people than I are in positions to make good decisions. I would like to think that those people have my best interest at heart.


I'd like my mail delivered on Christmas, Good Friday & Easter & Sundays. .........................................................................

I'd like the US Supreme Court to be in session on Christmas, Good Friday & Easter as well as Sundays. Why would these be holidays for them if they don't believe in the reason we have them?

I'd like the Senate and the House of representatives to not have to worry about getting home for the "Christmas Break." What is Christmas without Christ?

I'm thinking that a lot of my taxpayer dollars could be saved, if all government offices & services would work on Christmas, Good Friday,  Easter & Sundays. It shouldn't cost any overtime since those would be just like any other day of the week to a government that is trying to be "politically correct".

This would not affect any "non-governmental" business since everyone  else still has the freedom of religion, we could all still enjoy our  holidays.

So I guess if they continue to bow to the wishes of the few, & if this e-mail gets out to the right people, maybe they would bow to the wishes of the many.

So be it...........

And Amen!

And God Bless America !!!

THIS IS MY COUNTRY.............

I received this via email and thought it both interesting and true.  What do you think?

 Subject:  Story in Tampa newspaper about American rights

Will we  still be the Country of choice and still be America if we
continue to make the  changes forced on us by the people from other
countries that came to live  in America because it is the Country of

Think about it . .

All I have to say is, when will they do something about MY RIGHTS? I
celebrate Christmas, but because it isn't celebrated by everyone, we
can no  longer say Merry Christmas. Now it has to be Season's
Greetings. It's not  Christmas vacation, it's Winter Break. Isn't it
amazing how this winter break  ALWAYS occurs over the Christmas
holiday? We've gone so far the other way,  bent over backwards to not
offend anyone, that I am now being offended. But it  seems that no
one has a problem with that.  This  says it all!

This is an  editorial written by an American citizen, published in  a
Tampa newspaper He  did quite a job; didn't he? Read on, please!


I am tired of this nation worrying about whether  we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, we have experienced a surge
in patriotism by the  majority of Americans. However, the dust from the attacks had
barely  settled when the "politically correct! " crowd began complaining about
the  possibility that our patriotism was offending others.

I am not against  immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better  life by coming to America. Our  population is almost entirely made up of descendants of immigrants. However, there are a few  things that those who have recently come to our country, and apparently  some born here, need to understand. This idea of America being  a multicultural community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and  our national identity. As Americans, we have our own culture, our
own  society, our own language and our own lifestyle. This culture has been developed over centuries of struggles, trials, and victories by millions of  men and women who have sought freedom.

We  speak  ENGLISH, not Spanish,  Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese,
Japanese, Russian, or any other  language. Therefore, if you wish to become part
of our society, learn  the language!

"In God We Trust" is our national motto. This is not some  Christian, right wing, political slogan.. We adopted this motto because Christian men and women,
on Christian principles, founded this nation, and  this is clearly documented.
It is certainly appropriate to display it on  the walls of our schools. If God
offends you, then I suggest  you consider another part of the world as
your new home, because God is  part of our culture.

If Stars and Stripes offend you, or you  don't like Uncle Sam, then you
should seriously consider a move to  another part of this planet. We
are happy with our culture and have no  desire to change, and we really
don't care how you did things where you  came from. This is OUR COUNTRY,
our land, and our lifestyle. Our First  Amendment gives every citizen the
right to express his opinion and  we will allow you every opportunity to do
so. But once you are done  complaining, whining, and griping about
our flag, our pledge, our national  motto, or our way of life, I highly encourage you
take advantage of one  other great American freedom, THE RIGHT TO LEAVE.


Thursday, June 17, 2004

Memorial Website for the Carl Girls

I received this email from friends of Kim and Kirk.  Please feel free to leave your thoughts, support and prayers.    Robyn


A friend of Kim & Kirk's, Pam, created a beautiful Memorial website to honor Katelyn & Kendra.  There is a guest book there where you can write a word of encouragement to Kirk & Kim and / or say good-bye to these precious girls.  
The website address is
Thank you Pam for creating this, it was special for me to be able to write a note to the girls and to read the other words of encouragement from the prior visitors to the site.
In His Love,

Tuesday, June 15, 2004


I have pictures of the triplets that I would like to post, but they are so small!  Can someone walk me through (kindergartener here) how to make pictures BIGGER?  I tried John's way, but that didn't work for me.  I was obviously doing something wrong!

Thanks in advance!

Kendra Grace

Kendra Grace Carl
(our beautiful baby girl)
passed away today 6/14/04 at 11:28 am

As I sit here crying it is hard to convey my thoughts.  I do not have to send this email to all of you but I "choose" to send this email to all of you.  Kirk and I cannot begin to express the enormous strength you have all given us by praying for our girls and for us!  You ALL have been given by God to be our rock here on earth and you all have shown how much you love and care for our little family.  It has been hard to send such sad news to you all for so long.  We pray that we will have good news (and only good news soon).

I know some have said and possibly felt that God did not perform a miracle since our sweet twin baby girls died.  This is not true!  They were to die in-utero per ALL the doctors.  They did not!  They were to die right after birth per ALL the doctors.  Again, they did not!  Katelyn was with us for one week and Kendra was with us for two weeks.  That is a miracle!  Not only did we get to meet them and hold their hands and talk to our children they were able to be a testimony for Jesus Christ and to reach out to others in his name.  We know this is true and we know this was but only one of their purposes here on earth!  

We are grateful to have been given these two angels from above.  That we were chosen as their parents.  I don't know why God gave them and then they went back home to heaven.  We won't know until we see them again but we will see them again!!!

You're right - it is not fair!  It stinks - the entire situation.  Yes, we have been angry at times.  God understands this.  We will be angry again and just when you think you have no tears left we begin sobbing again in each others arms.

The yeast infection that Kendra had spread from a 7 colony yeast infection to a 45 colony yeast infection.  It had entered the IV lines and therefore the blood stream.  We were called to come in and say our good-byes before she left.  I had to pick out two little dresses for both Kendra and Katelyn to be buried in before I left home and let me tell you that is not a reason you want to go through your daughter's clothes.  Kirk wanted them to be in the same outfit since they were our twin girls!  I thought it was nice too!

The yeast had spread on the outside of her skin over her bottom and up her back.  Her body was so small that it pretty much covered the backside.  They moved her to the same spot that Katelyn was moved to so we could hold her and say our good-byes but she was not as strong as Katelyn.  I held her and then Kirk and Grandma and Grandpa just said good-bye to her while Kirk was holding her.  Then Kirk held me and I held her and we did it all over again.  Except this time instead of it being a long time as it was with Katelyn, she was gone in an instant.  In some ways this was easier and in some ways harder.  It is so hard to get through this email but I want all those that loved her to know she loved all of you too and she was a miracle and she always will be!!!!  

We again got a little cast of her hand and foot but we could not bring ourselves to bathe this sweet child.  Our wonderful nurse, Deb, who also was with us when Katelyn passed gave her a bath and then we dressed her and took her to be placed beside Katelyn!  Oh God - we cry out to you!!!

Before I delivered Kirk was given a poem from God about the girls dying in-utero.  Now, they did not die in-utero but he felt he was to hold onto the poem.  He knows it was from God because when he sits down to write he always changes it about 20 times and this time he didn't change a thing.  It also takes him hours to days to write something and this time it only took him 5 minutes as the words flowed out.  He kept this poem on paper next to his heart in his jacket pocket everyday since I entered the hospital in May.  He shared it with me this last Saturday night for the first time!  He has asked that I share it with all of you.  Below are the words God gave him for our twin girls.

Katelyn and Kendra that were their names
Our two little wee ones different but same.

Twins they were, blessings from above
They didn't stay with us long but the time here they were loved.

We didn't get to see their bright shinning faces
To know if they had curly hair, straight teeth or need braces.

You see they got sick and God took them home
And left their sister Kiersten in the womb all alone.

See there wasn't just two but instead there were three
Expecting triplet's we were, their mother and me.

We were happy and joyful and a little bit scared
And figured by the end we would pull out our hair.

When the twins left us we were crying and sad
But we couldn't blame God because he isn't bad.

You see when they left they went with God to his home
Where they'll never know pain and never be alone.

For someday we know their mother and me
We will see them at God's house for all eternity.

You see this thing we call life is so short and so small
That God sent his son to die for us all.

If you haven't met Jesus I sure wish you would
For he is not bad but can only be good.

When you say yes to Jesus he is there by your side
And he will cry with you when precious ones die.

I know it's hard to believe in someone you can't see
But have faith God is and always will be.

If you say yes to Jesus you won't be alone
For someday we'll all be together in God's great big home.

    In loving memory of my sweet twin baby girls
                                                            LOVE DADDY

It was important for Kirk to share this with all of you.  Thank you for allowing us to share his thoughts from God with you and your families.

They keep telling us to take time to grieve but we have baby Kiersten  that we need to attend to as well and things for her (paperwork issues) that we must attend to.  We are doing the best that we can.  Please continue to pray for us in this area.

Hopefully - PRAYERFULLY - Kiersten will continue to thrive.  I really must be allowed to bring at least one baby home to keep my sanity!
Today after we lost Kendra we were informed they had to do surgery on Kiersten's PDA today at 4:30 PM.  This was hard since we had just lost Kendra.  

She was up to 1 cc of breast milk and off morphine.  They had to stop feedings and place her back on morphine for the surgery.  I am happy to report that according to the doctor the surgery was a success.  Her lungs have been continuously filling with fluid as a result of the open PDA.  They feel that now that it is closed her lungs  will be OK, which in turn means in approximately a week or two they will be able to hopefully take her off the ventilator.  Her feedings should begin again in approximately 3-7 days.

They did advise that there is, of course, a small risk of infection with any surgery and that babies after this surgery usually get sick for a day or two and then bounce back.  Please, please, please!!!!!  Pray that all be OK.  She has done so well thus far and we NEED her to continue to do so!  Again - your prayers for Katelyn and Kendra were not unanswered by God - they were just answered in a way that we did wish to accept.  Please don't let that stop you from praying for Kiersten or us.

I hope to be able to send continual happy updates on Kiersten and to talk to all of you and to see friends SOON!  ** For now - we do ask that no one stop by the house unless we advise OK.  If you want to call then please call and if we are able emotionally to pick up we will and if not please leave a message as we do love to know you care.  A card or email - whatever - it all helps.

I am setting up the bank account tomorrow.  Thank you to so many of you that have sent emails asking about this.  As I said before this is very difficult for us but we will accept your help.  Kiersten will be in NICU for 10-12 weeks and your help is most appreciated.  We give praise to our family which has helped financially for bills and the twins memorial, we thank all of you that wish to donate to this account for help with past, present and future medical bills from the hospital.  I will send a new email about this once I have it set up.

We will let you all know when the memorial service will be and where.  It may be some time as we again are making arrangements in-between our time at the hospital.  I know this has been a long email but thank you for letting me get this all out.  You are all good people and we are blessed to have you in our lives.  From our church family to my Nationwide family, our parents, siblings and close friends!  As well as thepeople we have never met but that have sent us wonderful uplifting emails.  We thank you all and we pray that God is touching your families as well!

Love  - Kirk and Kimberly

Monday, June 14, 2004

Email from Mommy Kim Received This AM

Hello Family and Friends!!

I am sorry I haven't emailed for a few days.  It has been a roller coaster
of emotions the last few days.

Lets begin with Kiersten - she did not have to have surgery to close the
PDA.  She still has it but it is so small that the cardiologist said that
it should close on its own.  They will continue to do an echo on the heart
once a week to check it.  If it enlarges they will have to proceed with the
surgery.  If not, then that is great and it will close on its own
eventually.  She has been started on a very tiny amount of breast milk.
This is a big step and we praise God for every milestone she makes.  Either
this weekend or beginning of next week she will have her tube taken out and
be off the ventilator.  She will only have a nose tube for oxygen.  Again
this is a huge step and we are so excited about it.  We began changing her
diapers and let me tell you she doesn't make it easy.  Mommy had a meltdown
the first time.  Poopy diaper, little legs kicking, wires and tubes getting
in the way due to kicking legs and poop getting on wires.  Then Mommy
scratched her with her nail and I was crying for both of us.  Yikes!!
Since then - I have tried again and had much more success.  Please continue
to pray for her and her well being.  We need to see that she is continuing
to do well for our own sanity.  Kirk and I got some really cute pictures of
her that Kirk will send out next week.

OK, now Kendra - Well, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday she was doing
very well.  She was peeing a little more each day, the heart was coming
down to normal size, which indicates that blood is flowing down to other
areas of the body (kidneys specifically), etc.  She also had come down on
her ventilator settings.  However, Friday she began to take a turn for the
worse a little.  Today we spent most of the day at the hospital and things
were not better.  Her urine output has gone down, her ventilator settings
are back up.  She is still retaining fluid and to top it off she now has a
yeast infection due to antibiotics she has been getting.  Unfortunately,
the medicine they must give her to cure the yeast is counter productive to
renal function (kidney function).  We were so heartbroken tohear this
because that is the last thing she needs.

Tonight Kirk and I had a meltdown at home.  We cried and cried and cried.
We both are losing hope for Kendra.  We don't want to feel this way and we
contacted a close friend.  We got together with him and he prayed with us
in earnest for our girls and for us.  Christians are not perfect people -
quite the contrary.  Only God is perfect.  Christians have accepted Jesus
and understand their faults and imperfections.  Being human we get beat
down easily.  Having our friend pray over us and for us lifting not only us
up in prayer but also our children refilled us and allowed us to regain our
strength and pray for Kendra to be healed.

It is difficult to continue to pray for the same reason week after week
sometimes when you maybe don't know us or know us but haven't seen us or
the girls in person.  Especially since it seems at times to be so helpless.
All we ask is that you ALL remember our girls and us as well as you
continue to pray for them when you think of it.  There is power in prayer
and we are and will continue to contend for a miracle of healing for Kendra
until otherwise advised.  Thank you!!

Katelyn's memorial service - many of you have asked when we will have the
memorial.  Thank you for asking!  We are waiting a little bit longer to see
what occurs with Kendra.  If she is meant to join her sister with Jesus
then we would like to bury them together.  If Kendra begins to improve - as
we pray she will - then we will begin making arrangements to bury Katelyn
and then advise you all when the service will be.

Finally and this is a tough one for me - Many of you have asked how you can
help us.  There are a few ways that you can help.  First, our insurance
will cover everything including the neonatologist as in-network but we have
a cap that we will have to pay, which is between $6,000 - $8,000.  It has
been suggested by friends that we set up an account for the girls medical
bills so that people can donate towards their medical bills.  This is
extremely difficult for Kirk and I to ask for this but we truly do need
assistance in this area.  Family has provided money for other bills and
Katelyn's arrangements, which was very much appreciated.

I will be setting up an account at Bank of America titled Kiersten and
Kendra Carl - Medical Fund.  I will be setting this up on Monday and then
sending another email advising how to donate to this account.  If you wish
to donate anonymously that is fine and if you wish for us to know you
donated please send an email to us letting us know as that is ok too.
Thank you for your support in this area if you are able.

Second - We also have received several special keepsake items for Katelyn.
These are very special to us and are very much appreciated.  If you have
something in mind as a keepsake in her memory please feel free to send that
as well.

We do not need help with housework or meals at this time.  However, my
parents will be going home in early July for a month or so and during that
time we may need help in these areas due to our schedule at the hospital.
If you wish to help in this area (as so many of you have asked about this)
it will be needed in July and extremely helpful.  I will let you know when
this is needed.

Contact - many of you have wondered if you should come over or call.  At
this time please don't just stop by the house unless you have spoken to us
first.  However, please continue to email us and also to call us.  We may
not be able to call you back and we may not pick up if we are home
depending on how things are going but most of the time we pick up and would
love to talk to you.

This was a difficult email for me to write addressing these issues.  Thank
you for your continued support and outpouring of love for our family.  We
appreciate it so much!!

Kirk and Kimberly

Catching Up..........

Did this weekend go by fast, or what?  Yesterday I got the rhododendron garden weeded and barkdusted, after I spent a couple hours trimming all the rhodies and other various flowering shrubs, plus my small maple tree.  This particular garden is good sized so it took all day, but looks great now!  I only have to do this once every couple years, but it's worth it.  We also dug one rhodie out because it looked diseased and had grown rather ugly. 

I haven't kept you all up to date on my yard because I truly haven't had time to sit and type it out.  Things are coming together nicely though and looking good.

That brings me to another topic - journals.  I am behind on my reading again!  I'm sorry, but I promise that I will get to each of you soon.

Our weather is going to warm up this week and we should be in the 80's.  I prefer the 70's with sunshine, but I guess we get what we get.

I'd meant to keep Madison one day this weekend, but there just wasn't time.  Besides, Danelle said that she wasn't really feeling too great so that kind of eases my guilt.

The girls got their bath yesterday morning before I started my yardwork.  I knew if I didn't get it done early it wouldn't get done.  And I was right. quitting time yesterday was 7pm and I was exhausted!  I threw in a TV dinner and called it good.  But I was so happy with all the work that got done that nothing could have spoiled that good feeling, well except for the mere fact that there is a lot more of it.  ha!

Hope you all have a great week and please continue to keep Kim and Kirks babies in your prayers. 



Sunday, June 13, 2004

Your Turn..............

My sister sent me an email with cute little quips about aging.  One I thought was rather interesting and thought I'd pass it on to each of you:

How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?

I get to go first, after all it's my journal!  If I didn't know how old I was I think I'd place myself right around the age of 35.  That's truly how old I feel most of the time.  There are those days after a lot of heavy duty yard work that I may feel 80, but for the most part 35 fits me fine. 

How about you?  Come on!  How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?  Remember now, this isn't a "wish" because if that were the case I'd be much younger; it's how you FEEL.

I'm waiting........................

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Email From Mommy Kim

First I would like to say "Thank you" to all of you who have sent cards,
gifts, flowers and emails.  I was able to respond to some of you today.
Yesterday was a little too difficult.  However, each and every email
touched both Kirk and I very much.

I never did get my thank you cards out for the last three baby showers I
had.  I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you via email to all
of you.  I will not be able to send a separate note to each of you - thank
you for your understanding.

The flowers sent to us at the hospital for me and the girls and the flowers
sent for Katelyn now are appreciated.  Mommy loves bright and pretty things
- it brightens the day!

Thank you for the monetary gifts as well.  It is greatly appreciated.

Tim (a friend from church) mowed our yard previously in May and it was a
great gift due to Kirk's back injury.  Thank you Tim.  Today we came home
from the hospital and our yard had been taken care of again (and boy did it
need it) but this time by an anoymous friend.  Thank you for this gift --
whomever you are!!!  Little Oscar was not happy with the long grass!

Ok - Kiersten!  They attempted to give her medicine to close the PDA (an
artery that goes over the heart that typically closes before birth).  It
did not work.  They will have to do surgery to close it.  Although this is
a scary thing I am a little more at peace with it since Kendra had this
done a week ago and she did just fine.  However, there can be complications
and we ask that you pray for her to come through it OK.  Other than that
she is doing very well.  Still peeing and pooping - a big thing at her
age!!  She is very low on her ventilator setting and may be able to come
off that soon.  They hope to give her breast milk within a week.  She is
still small and needs to grow - please keep her in your prayers.

OK - Kendra!  The new medicine they gave her on Monday seems to be working.
At this time at least.  They say sometimes there is a "honeymoon" period
where they do well and then go downhill.  We will not accept this and claim
in Jesus name that she will continue to improve.  Her heart is not having
to work as hard as it was,  her urine output (one of the most important
things)is slightly up and increasing each day (by a minimal amount - but
still increasing).  Her ventilator settings were down today lower than they
have ever been.  She still is retaining fluid but it doesn't appear that
she is bigger just the same as she was on Monday.  The more she pees the
more the fluid will go away.  Never thought we would be praying for "pee".
She actually had her eyes open for 15 minutes Tuesday.  Kiersten hasn't
even done that.  We were not there to see this but we will see it soon
enough.  Today Kirk and I actually got to take both girls temperatures and
also changed Kendra's diaper.  She was stable enough for us to do this.  We
are cautiously optimistic, as I am sure you can understand, but
nevertheless, we are still optimistic!

Please continue to pray for the girls - both girls.  Us too!

Kirk is sending more pixs to Cliff tomorrow to "un-zip" as AOL zips the
pixs and people can't open them.  Cliff will forward them to everyone on
this list.  Look for those soon!

Kirk and Kimberly!

Daily Affirmation

Be who you are and say what you feel,
because those who mind don’t matter
and those who matter don’t mind.
Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, June 9, 2004

Psalm 91

Ps. 91:1 You who live in the shelter of the Most High,
who abide in the shadow of the Almighty,
Ps. 91:2 will say to the LORD, "My refuge and my fortress;
my God, in whom I trust."
Ps. 91:3 For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler
and from the deadly pestilence;
Ps. 91:4 he will cover you with his pinions,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness is a shield and buckler.
Ps. 91:5 You will not fear the terror of the night,
or the arrow that flies by day,
Ps. 91:6 or the pestilence that stalks in darkness,
or the destruction that wastes at noonday.
Ps. 91:7 A thousand may fall at your side,
ten thousand at your right hand,
but it will not come near you.
Ps. 91:8 You will only look with your eyes
and see the punishment of the wicked.
Ps. 91:9 Because you have made the LORD your refuge,
the Most High your dwelling place,
Ps. 91:10 no evil shall befall you,
no scourge come near your tent.
Ps. 91:11 For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways.
Ps. 91:12 On their hands they will bear you up,
so that you will not dash your foot against a stone.
Ps. 91:13 You will tread on the lion and the adder,
the young lion and the serpent you will trample under foot.
Ps. 91:14 Those who love me, I will deliver;
I will protect those who know my name.
Ps. 91:15 When they call to me, I will answer them;
I will be with them in trouble,
I will rescue them and honor them.
Ps. 91:16 With long life I will satisfy them,
and show them my salvation.

Tuesday, June 8, 2004

Katelyn Christine

                          Katelyn Christine Carl
                           (our sweet baby girl)
                     passed away last night at 8:45 pm

Many of you may be wondering how I can even sit here and send this email.
However, I can not begin to tell you how much it has meant to Kirk and I to
know that so many people have been and continue to pray for our children.
We still need your prayers so very much.  Just in the time it has taken me
to write this much I sit here sobbing for the loss of Katelyn as I type.
It brings me some comfort to journal via this email to the people that love
us and our babies.  Even those of you I have never met touch our hearts so

We were called into the hospital yesterday to discuss the twins, Katelyn
and Kendra.  We had a conference with two doctors, two of the bedside
nurses caring for the girls and the chaplain.  We were advised that Kendra
is getting worse as she is not urinating the way she should be (meaning the
kidneys are not working), she is beginning to fill with fluid and her skin
is beginning to darken.  The kidney doctor advised that he has a different
medicine to try and it "might" be successful.  He is "slightly" optimistic
about it and said we have 2-3 days for it to work.  If it doesn't she will
be in the same situation as Katelyn.  As for Katelyn, they advised that she
was in multi-system failure and there was nothing more medically they could
do for her.  They strongly felt that she would die before the day was over.
They advised that the ventilator was the only thing keeping her alive.
They suggested that instead of letting her suffer through the night, then
code and die before we got to the hospital that we let her go while we were
there.  I must tell you having to make decisions like this are devastating.

We went to see the girls and Kendra does look a little worse.  She is
beginning to swell and retain fluid as Katelyn was (but not as bad).  Her
legs, genitals, head and shoulders show the swelling from the fluid.  We
talked to her and prayed over her at that time.

We walked over to Katelyn's bedside and began to sob and weep as she looked
so bad.  It was so apparent that Jesus was calling her home.  The sores
that she had on her arms were now developing on her legs and face.  Her
body was full of fluid again and she just laid there limp.  When I gave her
my finger to hold she would occasionally hold my finger but mostly would
just lye there.  We asked again to confirm that the machine was the only
reason she was still with us and they said yes.  We chose to have her pass
away in our arms then dying that night alone without Mommy and Daddy.

They moved her isolette and machines into a slightly more private area and
Kirk, myself and each of my parents held her for some time while she was
with us.  We talked to her, sang to her and took some pictures of her with
her family.  Kirk then held me in his arms and I held Katelyn in my arms
and they took her off life support.  She was on pain medication and some
sedation so she would not have "air hunger" and it wasn't long before was
gone.  We held her for a long time and cried.  They took a little cast of
her hand and her foot before she passed away and that meant a lot to us!

She had never been bathed since birth due to her condition so Kirk and I
alone gave her a little bath and dressed her in her first dress with her
blankie wrapped around her and then escorted her to her final resting place
at the hospital.

I know this is a lot to hear about and read but you have all been with us
through this journey and I feel that you should know what occured and how
we feel.

Kirk and I DO NOT feel that her life was in vain.  We strongly feel that
she served a purpose.  That her life was a testimony for Jesus.  This is
truly a fallen world and we will never understand WHY bad things happen but
we know she touched many, many lives and that brings a smile to our hearts.
We are so grateful that we had one week with her.  One week to hold her
hand, to kiss her, to sing to her and tell her how much she is loved.  We
know that she is no longer in pain and that she is with our loved ones in
Heaven and that God is tossing her in the air as she laughs and plays.

We were given a memory box with items that were her's.  It wasn't until
this morning that I smelled her blankie and wept because it smelled like
her.  Having these memory's mean so much to Kirk and I.

Kiersten is doing well.  She wasn't pooping and they gave her some glycerin
and last night she pooped.  They think they can begin giving her my breast
milk very soon!  I was able to hold two of my children last night for the
first time.  One because she was dying and the other because she is
thriving and living.  You can not imagine how heart wrenching it is to go
from devastation to joy all within the same hour.  Then flip flop back and
forth while holding one of your children.

We attempted to attach pictures of all the girls.  However, we are still
new with learning how to use our digital camera.  We will ask someone and
send a separate email later today or tomorrow with the pictures.  Sorry!

Thank you for letting us share about each child with you and also share the
last moments of Katelyn's life.  Once again - thank you for your prayers
for the babies and for us.  Once again - please be open to what Jesus has
to offer in your own lives!

We will keep you posted on Kendra's condition.  Please, please, please pray
that she is to stay with us.  To go through this again in a few days will
be extremely difficult.

Kirk and Kimberly

Monday, June 7, 2004

TRIPLETS 6/7/04 EMAIL.......URGENT!!!!!!!!!!

Kirk & Kim got grave news today from Katelyn and Kendra's doctors.  Both
girls are in renal failure and the doctors refuse to do dialysis because of
how serious their conditions are with everything else they are struggling
with.  The doctors and nurses are growing uncomfortable with taking any
more extreme measures to save these little girls.  They give them only a
couple of more days to live.  If ever we needed prayer, now is the time!
Please, please, please keep praying for this family and especially these
little girls.  I know it is not in God's plan for this family to have these
little girls grow up in suffering, but it could be in His plan to heal them
so that every day of their lives will be a testament to His powers of
healing.  Please pray for His will to be over this family and please hope
that means we get to watch these little girls jumping rope someday.

As for Kiersten... she is is still struggling, but is stable at this time.
She's not out of the woods but she is improving.  Her heart valve problem
has been corrected through medicine.  She's still having trouble with
remembering to breathe though.

Kim & Kirk need strength to endure this rollercoaster ride.  They spend
much time daily just crying.  All of the news from the medical world is
dire and bleak.  They need uplifting.  Kim is struggling with pain from her
C-section.  She is having to sleep in a recliner because she can't bear to
sleep lying on her back, or on her side.  Kirk is also suffering from
severe back pains.  He hurt himself remodeling the kitchen a month or so
ago and sleeping in the hospital cots and the stress of the situation has
irritated that injury.

I am convinced that all of our prayers have carried this family this far
and we can still help.  Kim was telling me that the other night Katelyn was
in distress at the hospital.  Her vital signs were going haywire and many
doctors and nurses were working on her.  Kendra's nurse was on the opposite
side of the room and she began to pray for Katelyn.  As she was praying,
Katelyn's vital signs normalized.  When the nurse went back to caring for
Kendra, Katelyn began to crash again.  She started praying again and
Katelyn came back to normal.  The nurse said it reminded her of Moses and
how when his arms were raised, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he
lowered his hands, they were losing the battle.  Finally, the nurse cried
out to God and said, "God, you need to have someone else focus all their
prayers on Katelyn, because I have to care for Kendra" and then Katelyn's
vitals came back to normal and stayed that way for the remainder of the
night shift.

When Moses grew tired during the battle and could no longer hold his hands,
he had to have Aaron and Hur hold up his hands so the Israelites could win
the battle.  We have to help hold up the hands for these little girls so
they can win this fight for their lives.  Please keep your prayers going
for these little girls.  Please get everyone one you know, whether you know
if the pray or not, ask them to please uplift this family.

Thank you once again,
In His precious love,



Hi everyone... judging by the long list of e-mails waiting for me this
morning, you want to get more updates so I called up to the hospital today
and chatted with Kirk for some information to pass along.

Let's start with Kim... she's had some complications due to her prior back
problems and at one point had to be on oxygen, but she's doing much better
now.  One of the nurses at the hospital felt that with all the anxiety Kim
was feeling, that she should see the babies so they took her (oxygen, IVs,
bed & all) to see the babies and when she talked to Kendra, she reached up
for Mommy's fingers and held on.  That really lifted Kim's spirits. Kim is
pumping to produce collustrum and milk for the babies to give them the
added nourishment from Mommy.   Kim is recovering slowly but she is
progressing and they're hoping she'll be released from the hospital on
Friday.  I have to stop here and say how impressed I am with Kim.  She has
been physically tortured in this process suffering every kind of pain and
complication and while it brings her to tears sometimes, she endures and
keeps pushing forward to recovery.  She's so much stronger than she ever
believed herself to be and I'm so grateful to God for giving her that added
strength that she's needed to push through the pain.

Now for the babies!

Katelyn - what a little miracle this baby girl is and what a fighter!!!
She's still retaining a lot of fluid in her head but the fluids in her body
are leaving via some holes the doctors poked in her abdomen.  Kirk says you
can see her little arms and legs now and they all look normal.  A specific
prayer request would be that she pee.  If she doesn't urniate, there are
dangers to her kidneys and if potassium levels get too high, there is
dangers for heart problems even a heart attack.  Also, that the fluids in
her head continue to travel to her abdomen where they can escape.  She
tries to open her eyes when Mommy & Daddy talk to her but she can't because
of all the fluid in her head.  She moves like crazy though at the sound of
Daddy's voice!  Thank you Jesus for this little miracle.

Kendra - she's still the smallest and having some difficulties as well.
She also needs to pee.  Because she is being fed through an IV and not
urinating,she is starting to retain fluids in her little arms and legs
like her big sister.  That in itself is scary, but she also has the same
risks as Katelyn in regards to her heart and her kidneys if she can't pee.
It's not unusual for premies to have difficulties with this issue, but it
is imperative that they both pee soon.  Please pray for that.  Kendra also
responds to the voices of Mommy & Daddy.

Kiersten - As you remember, Kiersten was the only one who was breathing on
her own and didn't require intubation.  She's had some developments since
Monday and she's been hooked up to a ventilator now.  She has an issue with
one of her arteries in her heart that has not closed up like it should
have.  They are going to treat her with medicine and if that doesn't work,
she might have to have surgery.  She's also suffering from Apnea (where
your brain forgets to breathe).  The positive sign is that she was crying
yesterday.  Most premies don't cry because they don't have the strength.
Kirk said it was wonderful to hear her cry.  He also mentioned that she has
her own little personality already... giving him some attitude on his last
visit.  : )  Please pray for her heart complications to be resolved

Kirk - We don't talk as much about him, but I just would like to take a
moment to thank God for the amazing husband and Dad that Kirk is.  He has
been a pilar of strength for his wife throughout all of this and his baby
girls are already little Daddy's girls.  Thank you Lord for giving Kirk a
warrior's heart for fighting for his family, but also for that tender side
that embraces and comforts all of his girls.

Kirk & Kim feel so blessed to have all of you praying for them and
appreciate so much your concern for them and the babies.  I was talking to
Kirk this morning about how inspirational they have been in how they've
dealt with this scary situation by turning to God first and once again I
was floored by his response.  "How could you do this without God?"  I feel
so blessed to have friends like them in my life to show me what it really
means to trust in God in EVERYTHING!  And, it has also blessed me to see
how all of you love them too.  Thank you for continuing to pray, thank you
for forwarding these prayer requests to your prayer chains and thank you
for lifting this family up to our Lord and Healer!

As you pray for this family, please also thank the Lord for all the
miracles we've seen so far and even for the unseen ones.

Through Him, all things are possible!

In His Love,


Kirk & Kim have welcomed  their babies into the world!

Kim delivered the babies via C-section  this morning.  The babies are
arriving 12 weeks ahead of schedule and will  spend the coming weeks in the
NICU at Emmanuel Hospital until they are strong  enough to come home.  All
3 girls are stable at this time... here's the  breakdown of what I know
about them individuality at this time.  As I  get more information, I will
pass it on to you.

Katelyn:  3 pounds 2  ounces due to all the fluid she is retaining (she's
probably be closer to  1 1/2 pounds if she didn't have all the fluid) and
13 1/2" long.   She's still in critical condition and the doctors are
watching her  closely.  The doctors don't give a lot of hope in how she
will progress at  this time so please keep praying for God's will over
Katelyn's  life.

Kendra:  1 pounds 4 ounces and 11  1/2" long.  The doctors will focus on
getting her nutrients to help her  grow.

Kiersten:  1 pound 15 ounces and 13  1/2" long.  She's doing very well.
She didn't even require intubation  because she's breathing well on her

This is an exhausting time for Kirk  & Kim and I know that they really
appreciate all of your prayers and  positive thinking.  Please continue to
keep them in your prayers.   Please call ahead before making any visits
later in the week just to make  sure it will be a good time.  In the first
few weeks, they will be trying  to spend as much time with the babies as
possible in the NICU and won't be  available for a lot of visitors.

There are always potential complications  when dealing with premature
babies and the coming months will no doubt be filled  with anxiety so I ask
you to keep praying for a calming over both Kirk & Kim  and strength for
their baby girls.

The Lord has heard our prayers and has  been faithful in caring for this
family.  Both Kirk & Kim have  been comforted by knowing that God has them
and their babies in His almighty  hands.  His plan is always for the good
and they trust in that  wholeheartedly.

Praise God!

Blessings to you,

Triplets 5/29/04 email

I was on vacation all last week and just got up to date myself on the Triplets.  There is no time to correct spelling or grammar, so forgive some minor errors as I am cutting and pasting straight from email:

 Dear all,
Kimberly has been scheduled for a c-section on Monday the 31st; hopefully she will not go into labor before then.  The doctors have had to increase her medications to fight off the contractions and calm her uterus down.  Our doctor is concerned with her health and it is not helping the twins by staying in her any longer.  Kimberly got another round of steroid shots to help the lungs and intestines of the babies develop faster.  We met with a lot of different doctors yesterday and we all worked together to come up with this plan to get the babies out on Monday.  Kimberly has not been feeling well and she needs her rest more now than ever.  Some of you have talked with Kimberly and I and have made arrangements for a visit these are still OK, but the rest of you I would like to please ask you to not come and visit.  These visits though enjoyable are very draining on Kimberly and for this reason I ask that you please respect our wishes.  Now to the babies, Kiersten is doing very well as always and the doctors don't feel she is at any added risk to be born at 28 weeks.  She is just over 2 lbs. now and at the last ultra-sound she got a perfect 8 out of 8 score.  Kendra is not growing any more and they feel she will do much better once they get her out.  They are concerned about her size and can't tell us what to expect because they won't know how she will do until she is born.  Kaytlyn is still in bad shape the doctors don't hold much hope for her but they also did not expect her to make it this long, she is quite the little fighter.  Kimberly and I had to make some hard decisions yesterday about how far we want the doctors to go to try and save her; needless to say this was very hard for us.  We still have much hope and pray that through Gods grace she will survive.  Do to the possible out come on Monday I would also ask the for those of you who have not already made arrangements with us about Monday PLEASE let Kimberly and I have this time to be together and deal with what ever the out come.  This has been a VERY LONG road for us and we could not have done it with out all of your support and prayers.  We love all of you and just want to say THANK YOU for being such good friends and loving family.  There will be a select few of you that I will call with information, once you receive it we would ask that you pass it on so everyone can be up to date.  Once again thank you all so very much for understanding.
Kirk, Kimberly, Kaytlyn, Kendra and Kiersten      


This past week was significant in many ways.  I welcomed most, was saddened by some, celebrated a few, was made more than a little uncomfortable by one, and said goodbye to yet another.  I laughed, I sweated, I relaxed some and I cried a little.  I'll leave it up to the reader to decide what emotion went with what event. 

So I don't forget any, (yeah, like that's going to happen) I am going to list them in the order they happened during the week.

Monday was uneventful and relaxing.  I BBQ'd steaks for Jeri and I (and the girls of course).  Later that evening the girls and I piled up on the couch and watched some a couple of movies, retiring early.

Tuesday was the New Year's promise I kept to myself about getting caught up on doctor and dentist appointments.  I had an MRI and a Mammogram, an entire profile of blood work, my teeth cleaned and a 20 year old filling replaced.  What a day!  I was running from one office to another all day it seemed, but got everything done.  It felt good although I must admit that I was a bit apprehensive about the outcome of some of the bloodwork and the MRI.  Friday morning the doctor's office called and said the blood work came back with flying colors!  My cholesteral isn't high at all, and everything else from sugars to potassium is great.  Also, my prolactin level (another way they test for the growth of the pituitary tumor) was 100 points lower than in 1998.  The MRI substantiated the  blood work and reflected that the tumor had not grown.  Generally these tumors are benign and very slow growing.  Many stop growing after a while like mine has.  Autopsies indicate that 25% of the people have such a tumor, but never know it.  I found out I had one because I stopped having a period when I was in my mid 20's.  Saturday's mail brough news that the mammogram came back negative. It was all welcomed news.

Wednesday I ran the mini-van out to the mechanic's shop to have the passenger side door handle replaced.  While I was there Steve called and said that he and Danelle were having to put there beloved cat tosleep because it had cancer.  He and Danelle were both very upset.  Later, I stopped by a a couple thrift shops and went to dinner with Jeri. 

Thursday morning I dropped my car off at the mechanic's to have the oil pan gasket and a worn belt replaced.  I also had the driver's side window fixed because I wasn't able to roll it down all the way.  Steve came over around noon and we spent most of the afternoon trimming the hedge that runs in front of my house.  He always does such a good job, although this year the hedge isn't as pretty because the ice storm last winter played a nasty little number on it in a couple of spots.

Friday I ran a few errands and picked up one of Madison's gifts.  I barely got them all wrapped before the party!  I was very apprehensive about the party because Steve's dad was probably going to be there.  And he was.  I really didn't want him to see me with this extra weight that I've been carrying around, but it was that or miss the party and this was Madison's day and not all about me.  (Oh let's be real here a minute!  Privately it was all about me!  It was!  I admit it!  Damn, why do I have to be so vain?  Better yet, why couldn't I have kept that nice slim figure I used to have?  I would love to have waltzed in there looking like I was still in my 20's or even 30's, but for God's sake who am I trying to fool?  ha!  It was humbling, uncomfortable and I guess even a bit refreshing because he didn't look like any spring chicken either!  He was still slim, but his face had seen better days.  But then again, I wasn't slim any longer and my face had seen better days too......oh, my self esteem did several nose dives that afternoon and I am only now recovering.  Funny thing I noticed though, he did pay particular attention to me-later I reasoned with myself that he was probably using that time, stalling if you will, and really giving me a once over.  In fact, he stood next to me nearly the entire time!  He could have gone and sat somewhere else, but instead he stood near me instead of sitting on the sofa or in a chair.  He also made it a point to say what a goodjob I'd done with Steve and how he wished he'd have done things differently and spent more time with him when he was younger.  Oh, more about this later.  I have a lot to say about this one.)

Saturday I worked in the front yard with Kevin's help and got it completely weeded, edged and barkdusted.  We also got my pink dogwood tree planted!  I worked  in my yard from 9am until 7:30pm that night.  I was throughly exhausted and slept fitfully because I was overly tired.

At some point between Saturday and Sunday I was saddened by the news that Presdent Reagan had passed away.  Thank God he is out of his misery and his loving family can finally move on.  What a devastating illness!  It doesn't affect just the person afflicted, but the whole family suffers the long agonizing death too.  God Bless Nancy for sticking by him all these years.  It couldn't have been easy.  She bears the true spirit of a Saint. 

Sunday I was so sore I could hardly walk!  I took a couple Tylenol and got my housework done and headed for the Mall for a baby shower gift for my niece, Stacie.  Her shower was at 1pm.  We had a great time and I finally left at 5pm with Madison!  I'd asked Danelle to pack her a bag so she could spend the afternoon with Grammy.  We had so much fun!

I'm sure I'm missing some stuff.  If I think of anything else I'll update later.

It's back to work this week for me and I am kind of glad.  It's not as hard on me,  you know?


Sunday, June 6, 2004

In Memory To A Great President



When I saddle up and ride into the sunset it will be with the
knowledge that we’ve done great things. We kept faith with a
promise as old as this land we love and as big as the sky. A
brilliant vision of America as a shining city on a hill. Thanks
to all of you, and with God's help, America’s greatest chapter
is still to be written, for the best is yet to come.

Ronald Wilson Reagan
December 1, 1988

Friday, June 4, 2004


Madison's Birthday...........pictures to follow

Thursday, June 3, 2004

Daily Affirmation...........

Far away there in the
sunshine are my highest
aspirations. I may not reach
them, but I can look up and
see their beauty, believe in
them, and try to follow
where they lead.

Louisa May Alcott

The journey in between
what you once were and
who you are now becoming
is where the dance of life
really takes place.
~ Barbara De Angelis ~ 

Wednesday, June 2, 2004


I am on vacation all this week and I swear there is so much I'd like to get done , but just not enough time in the day to do it all.  The girls are loving my presence though!

I took the mini-van in and had the passenger side door handle replaced yesterday.  While I was at the mechanic's Steve called me and said that they were having to have their cat, Jaygar put down.  He has been ill for several months now and the vet finally determined it was cancer.  The cat was only 5 years old and such a sweetie pie.  He was an inside cat and Steve and Danelle's baby.  They are both pretty upset.  That kind of news just kind of sets the tone for the day, but luckily I got the news toward the end of the day so I didn't have the whole day to dwell on it. 

I'm keeping my News Year Resolution about the doctor's appointments.  I have changed doctors and seen my new one once so far.  Today I have two appointments; 9am for a mammogram (fun!) and 10:30 for a MRI to monitor a small pituatary (sp?) tumor.  Then, I have a 12:00 appointment at the dentist for a semi-annual cleaning.  If the doctor's office is backed up at all I may have to reschedule the dental appointment. 

Tomorrow I have an appointment to take my car and get a gasket changed.  The darn thing is leaking oil on my driveway!  Always something - you know?

I should try to fit some painting in and get my living room and dining room painted.  I just don't thnk that's going to happen though.  I still have spring cleanup in my front yard.

Eddy was over at Mom's doing yardwork yesterday.  I stopped in and took him some lunch and visited a bit before rushing off to a  appointment.  The yard really looks great!  He does such a good job!

I haven't heard anything on the triplets since last week. 

My sister Kim's job situation is this:  her boss decided not to give the Lead postion  to anyone right now.  Instead, he is giving each of them projects and depending on how well they do.....................you get the picture.  I didn't say this to my sister, but I think the guy is incompetent as a Manager or Supervisor.  He obviously can't make a decision.  More about that later.

I've got to get ready for the doctor's!  Talk with you all later.