Friday, October 24, 2003


I love to read. I think reading is one of the greatest joys in life. I don't understand people who don't read. What a world of new experiences, characters and knowledge they are missing out on! I hear people say so often that they'll just go see the movie, but the movie is never, ever as good as the book.

Right now I am reading "LITTLE ALTARS EVERYWHERE" by Rebecca Wells. This is the first of a two-book set about the "DEVINE SECRETS OF THE YA-YA SISTERHOOD". The story is based in Louisiana in the early 1960's, and introduces the reader to the Walker family, namely Miss Siddalee Walker, her mama & daddy, her siblings, and of course her mama's gang of girlfriends known as the Ya-Yas.

"LITTLE ALTARS EVERYWHERE" starts out with Siddalee telling equally poignant and humorous stories about the adventures and misadventures of the Walker clan and the Ya-Yas from a child's point of view. Every family member has his and her chance to give their perspective of the happenings.  It is truly timeless!

Siddalee, and the rest of the clan, move into THE 1990's and adulthood in the "DIVINE SECRETS OF THE YA-YA SISTERHOOD" and continues the story telling journey. I have laughed and cried while becoming totally captivated with this group of characters.  The nick names, funny little sayings (that only come from the south), the laughing, the crying, the trials and tribulations of life from the southern perspective is quite different from any other region in this country. And what a welcomed and cherished difference it is!

Rebecca Wells has received rave reviews for both of these books, and the "DIVINE SECRETS OF THE YA-YA SISTERHOOD" was made into a movie which is now playing on cable channels. In my opinion the movie is very good and definitley worth the investment of your time some afternoon.

But the book(s) is even better!

With all that said, if you get a chance and are so inclined, curl up on the couch with one of these books on a cold winter's day. I think you will be pleasantly surprised, as I have been, to meet these charming characters and live the 'YA-YA' experience, if not but for a few hours!

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