Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Stacie's Prince

My niece, Stacie and her 8 year old daughter McKenzie, have just set off upon a life altering journey!

Stacie is my sister Kim's daughter and my only niece.  She is absolutely beautiful and has been a single parent to her equally beautiful little daughter for 8 long years.  She has received no child support and has literally raised her child by her self with no outside help whatsoever.  I am extremely proud of her because it is not easy to do.  

Stacie has worked all these years as a server in a upscale local restaurant.  Her hourly wage wasn't that great, but her tips were.  There were many nights when she'd bring home $300 in tips alone, and that was a good thing because she was the sole provider for her child.  Her hard work afforded a nice lifestyle for herself and McKenzie.  She even bought a home!  Kim usually kept McKenzie on weekends so Stacie could work - she was a real go-getter, that girl!

A couple of years ago Stacie met Greg.  He was a bachelor and fell in love with Stacie and McKenzie.  At Christmas, he presented Stacie with a beautiful diamond ring and asked her  to marry him.  She gladly accepted and she and McKenzie started making plans to move to Arizona.  Stacie and Greg bought their dream house and Stacie has decided to put hers up for sale. 

A couple of weeks ago Stacie and McKenzie packed up the last of their belongings  and headed south for Arizona.  We had a big family dinner to send them off.  We are going to miss them so! 

Oh!  I nearly forgot one of the best parts!  Stacie and Greg are expecting their first child in August! 

Kim emailed me yesterday to tell me that in the last couple of days Greg went out and bought Stacie a brand new VW Beetle convertible!  Stacie has wanted one of those little cars for so long, but couldn't justify spending the money on one as a single parent. 

Stacie has finally found her Prince Charming!      


Anonymous said...

They are: curiosity, confidence, courage, and constancy, and the greatest of all is confidence. When you believe in a thing,
believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionably.

This is just wonderful!!!! Thank you ~ much needed today.

Anonymous said...

ps: I linked your entry on Do you remember when to my journal today...hope that was ok. xxoo

Anonymous said...

I'm delighted for Stacie and McKenzie (and Greg). I hope they will be happy together forever!!