Saturday, January 31, 2004


This afternoon I afforded myself the opportunity of watching a movie that I'd rented a few days ago, but just now got around to watching.  Am I glad I did!

SeaBiscuit stars Tobey Maguire (Cidar House Rules, Spiderman) and Jeff Bridges.  It is a great American story of three men - a jockey, a trainer and a businessman - and the smaller than average racehorse who changed their lives and the nation.

This wonderful film is packed full of emotion and I must admit brought me to tears several times before it was over.  It is without a doubt, and in my humble opinion the film of the year.

If you have some spare time this weekend, rent it.  You'll be glad you did!

Turning Back Time

A fellow journaler (barebytes) recently posed the question: What one thing would you do differently if you could go back in time?

That is not a particularly hard question to answer, but one that is extremely emotional. I would have stayed married to my husband.

I met Steve when I was 17 years old and I knew almost immediately that he was the love of my life.

We were married on April 26th, 1969.  We were very young, I was 18 and he was 19, but we were in love!  Our son was born later that year, and soon thereafter we bought our first house.

We both worked full time and did quite well for ourselves.  My mom took care of Stevie, so he didn't have to go to daycare and enjoyed the best of both worlds.  He was always surrounded by someone who loved him!

We were married for about 7 years before we divorced, mostly because of immaturity - on both our parts. There wasn't another man or another woman for either of us. We both just wanted what we wanted when we wanted it. Plain and simple. Immature and childish.  Pathetic and heartbreaking.

Neither of us has remarried, and we only have the one child, Stephen, between us (and now our Granddaughter, Madison!).

I never remarried because there is no one that could take his place. There is no one that I would want to take his place. If I ever were to consider marriage again, it would only be to him. I guess I'm like a whale in that sense. I mate for life.

I have had many people over the years ask me why I don't try to rekindle the relationship. I don't know why, or at least I don't care to delve too deeply and think about it right now. Who knows? Perhaps one day we will.

I believe that everything happens for a reason. I also believe that if it's meant to be, it will.

Have a great weekend! J

Thursday, January 29, 2004


Today started off like all the others with the alarm blaring away at 5:30am.  Why can't I be like some folks and NEVER have to set an alarm because my inner alarm automatically wakes me up at the same time every day?  I probably could if I'd go to bed at a decent hour and stop trying to deprive my body of the rest it needs.  My brain has just gotten too big for its britches, I'm telling you!

So it's pouring down rain outside, right?  And today is garbage pickup day - go figure!  Now let's see, that means that I get to go out into the rain and stack all the recycle stuff in their respective bins (in the dark), and drag the can (thank God it's on wheels!) to the end of the drive.  When I was a child I had no idea what fun it would be to grow up and be an adult!  Seriously though, I really don't mind at all. 

On a more somber note, today is also Jeri's stress test for her heart.  I'm taking the day off to take her and give her emotional support.  She is so worried about it that I don't think she rested well last night.  She also didn't read her instructions about not taking Atenol both yesterday and today.  She knew she wasn't supposed to take it today, but further review of her instructions found she wasn't supposed to take it yesterday either.  She is going to call the doctor's office and make sure that she should still have the test today or perhaps reschedule.  I'll let you know what happens.  Please keep her in your prayers. 

After all the snow, ice and now rain, my car is absolutely filthy!  I'd be humiliated to be seen in it if it weren't for the fact that nearly everyone else is in the same boat!  Oh well, there will be plenty of time to clean the car when the rains stop.

Well, better get that garbage out.  After all, I don't want to miss out on all the fun out there!  LOL~

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

The Missing Bumper..........Part Two

"No bumper?" I asked in an unbelieving voice. "Let me see!" I demanded, as I opened the door and stepped outside in the cool evening breeze. I walked to the front of the car and stared in shock.

"Oh my God! It's gone! But I'm sure it was there when I left!" I turned my blonde head toward the officer and batted my baby blues. I swear the man temporarily forgot about the bumper.

 "Now what do I do?" I asked in a small voice, breaking the officer's reverie.

The officer cleared his throat and slowly started to explain that I could pick one up at a junkyard for next to nothing. He walked me back to my car and once safely inside, Stevie, almost as though he were on cue, started crying. "Are you gonna take us to jail?"

I couldn't believe that my own son was upstaging me! LOL! Well, that was the clincher. That big bad police officer wasn't about to ticket this darling little boy's mother. "No son, I'm not taking you to jail. Now, don't cry."

The officer looked at me for a moment and smiled. Before walking away he said, "Be sure to get a bumper on this right away."

The Missing Bumper.........Part One

How many times have you done or said something in your youth, that when forced to look at it today is embarrassing at best, and can still make you feel slightly queasy after all these years? If your answer is never, you are either, 1) lying 2) suffering from dementia 3) have a  well documented disease known as SELECTIVE MEMORY, or 4) you are simply too embarrassed to admit it.

I suffer from none of these, hence today's journal entry.

In 1972 I was 22 years old and owned that ever-popular car of the time, a Volkswagen Bug. My 1963 red bug was in pretty good shape, but was missing the front bumper. Not a big deal, or so I thought.

One evening, Stevie who was 4 years old at the time, and I were on our way home. To my surprise I was stopped by a police officer. Stevie was standing in the passenger seat when the officer approached my window. (Yeah I know what you're thinking: "STANDING IN THE FRONT SEAT?" I shudder too when I think back about it, but that was how everyone traveled back then. Not many cars had seat belts and child seats were unheard of.) Now for the rest of the story……..

After producing my driver's license, the officer asked if I knew why he had stopped me. I shook my blonde head violently from side to side and whispered, "No Sir."

"I stopped you because you don't have a front bumper, and it's a state law that motor vehicles be equipped with a bumper."

I contemplated this for a split second. Breaking the law usually meant a ticket, which equaled money out of pocket.

Well, a girl has gotta do what a girl has gotta do!

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Subtle Changes

I was in the grocery store the other day, and had a 1950's flashback. Suddenly I was a little kid again walking beside my mom in the old Pay'n Takit grocery store. A man, walking with his wife, was smoking a cigarette. Just before he bent down to pick up something out of the freezer, he butted his cigarette on the floor. A young high school boy cleaning the floor with one of those big mop type floor dusters swept up the dead cigarette along with dust bunnies, bits of paper, and a Popsicle stick or two.

That scene was not uncommon for the time. Imagine smoking in a grocery store! So that got me to thinking about other things which have changed over the last 40-50 years.  Sit and ponder these facts from the past; some are hilarious!  

Doctor and dentist offices sported ashtrays for their patients; Doctors would light up in the room with the patient; TV News Anchors smoked during their commentary; Women shopped with curlers in their hair; People generally washed their hair once a week.  In between shampoos they'd use a product called hair perfume to make it smell better - ha!  A lot of people did not use deodorant (ick!); Babies were held in their mother's arms not in car seats; Going out to eat was a big deal done only on special occasions; Restaurants advertised air conditioning; A cup of coffee was only 10 cents and refills were free; A trip to town meant dressing in your Sunday best; It was rare to see women driving; There were no two car families; Television was only in black/white, and there were only 4 channels.  

And the list goes on.  Our lives have changed so dramtically, yet the changes were so subtle that sometimes we didn't even notice.  What changes have you noticed? 

Sunday, January 25, 2004

JANUARY 25, 2004

Madison at Grammy Robyn's house on her usual Sunday visit.

Saturday, January 24, 2004


Friday was a busy day for me, hence no Friday journal entry.  Leslie, a girl I work with, and I decided to fix breakfast for our work group which consists of 16 people. Not an easy task! 

First some background.  We have this "excitement committee" thing going at work that works like this:  a couple of people, on a rotating basis, plans and presents some excitement.  It sounds a bit cheesy but actually is fun, and breaks up an otherwise boring work day.  Everybody contributes $2-5 a month which is our operating budget.  

So Leslie and I are January's excitement committee, otherwised known as JEC.(of course the first letter changes with each month).  January is a crappy time to be on the excitement committee, and it has been my unfortunate luck to be drawn for January the last two years. It's after the holidays and everybody is sick of celebrating.  Most of us just want to lay low and slowly recover. Not only that, but I was sick the first two weeks of January and could have cared less about exciting anything or anyone!  Anyway, enough complaining.  We (or should I say I?) finally recovered enough to get my act together and now it was time to give these people a return on their meager investment.  Now-back to the breakfast!

I got up at 5:30am and fried 2 pounds of bacon, 2 packages of maple flavored sausage links, scrambled 18 eggs and toasted 24 english muffin halves.  I've never cooked so much food at one time in my life!  I loaded it all up in a big crockpot, and put the muffins into a covered bowl.  

Leslie brought mini-blueberry and orange cranberry muffins, fresh fruit, orange juice and coffee.

It turned out great and everyone loved it.  Next week we plan on having a big trivia quiz with prizes for the most answered correctly. 

I'll be glad when January is over!  <<smile>>

Thursday, January 22, 2004


Eight years ago on a warm September evening I was watering my hanging flower baskets, that hung just outside my living room window. 

At first I thought I was hearing things.  I turned the water off and stood still for a moment.  I rolled the hose up and turned to go in, and I heard it once more. Slowly I walked down the driveway toward the sound, and there I found the cutest little black and white kitten I'd ever laid my eyes on. 

It was in the middle of the road batting playfully at a pebble, stopping every now and then to look my way.  I made my way to the end of the drive and squatted down calling softly, "Here kitty, kitty, kitty."  Perking her ears up she narrowed her eyes and stared my way.  She stood still, sizing me up. 

I called again, "Here kitty, kitty, kitty."  Suddenly she leaped in mid-air and came bounding up to me, running into my leg and rolling over in a ball of fur.  I put my hand out to coax her and she came right away.  I picked her up and carried into the house, checking for a ID tag. 

I offered her some milk which I warmed slightly in the microwave.  She lapped it up quickly, looking up into my face and meowing every now and then, only to return to the milk until it was gone.

I couldn't just put her back into the street for fear that she'd be hit by a car.  I made a pact with myself that I'd keep her on my patio for 2 weeks.  If no one came looking for her and she didn't leave on her own accord at the end of two weeks, I'd bring her into the house and claim her as my own.

Long story short:  she stayed.  I took her to the vet for a check up and vaccinations.  Later she was spayed and has been a loving and wonderful pet ever since.

Isn't she pretty?    

The Cameo

It was a cold morning as I scraped the frost from the windshield and side windows of my car. The temperatures had dipped below freezing during the night and a thick layer of frost lay on everything.

As I pulled onto I-205 traveling south the fog was thick, and at times it was difficult to see much in front of me. Traffic seemed a little lighter than usual, a welcomed reprieve from the norm. Intermittently the fog cleared in patches, leaving the roadway and the surrounding freeway landscape exposed. The grass and low-lying shrubs looked silver in color from the heavy blanket of frost.

Keeping up with the flow of traffic I started across the Glenn Jackson Bridge, which leaves Washington State and enters Portland Oregon. Looking to my left, toward Mount Hood, the sun was a huge creamy yellow ball shining through a dense layer of fog. It was a beautiful sight to see this cold winter's morning, and one that not only was warming to look at but also welcomed.

I exited the freeway, taking the Sandy Blvd. Exit.  Once on Sandy Blvd., it wasn't long before I saw my point of destination. The Cameo Pancake and Steak House is a nice little restaurant that specializes in serving breakfast all day. A small brick structure, it is situated at an angle off the main thoroughfare. With teal colored awnings and a cabana that stretches out over the walkway leading to the front door, this place looks like it belongs in a coastal village rather than a large metropolis like Portland.

I pulled into the parking lot and immediately was greeted with Kim's smiling face, as she sat waiting for me.  Smiling, I waved and pulled into the parking spot next to her.

I opened the car door and stepped out into the cold air. Although the sun was shining, winter still had the Pacific Northwest in her clutches.

Kim and I hugged briefly and headed toward the front door to share idle chatter over a leisurely breakfast. It was a wonderful start to a beautiful day!

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Sweet Memories

I had a couple of errands to run last night after work, which took me through some back roads that I haven't traveled in several years.

As I approached a particular intersection and stopped I looked to my right. There sitting where it has for the last 35 years or so, was the little general store where Mom and I used to stop as we'd make our way up to my aunt's house on Bell Mountain.

It hasn't changed at all. The little gas station standing beside it is still in business. Seeing that store sent me rocketing back 36 years to a world and a time that I'd give anything to revisit one more time.

I have the fondest memories of those summer drives with my Mother in 1967. I was 16 years old and had just gotten my driver's license. My dad had given me a 1958 two-tone blue and white ford. Good thing too, since my Mom didn't drive and he wasn't around anymore.

Mom and I would stop at that little store and buy maybe $5 worth of gasoline (on a good day), although more likely than not it was probably closer to $2. We'd pick up a candy bar and a can of pop and bomb our way up to Aunt Audrey's where we'd stay visiting late into the night.

The radio would be on blasting the latest rock-n-roll song for all to hear, or sometimes we'd be listening to Country Western music.

Sometimes a farmer would be selling some produce on the side of the road and we'd promise each other to stop on the way back, knowing full well that it'd be midnight or later before we would be back this way on our way home.

Other memories of that time, all of them good, flooded my mind and my heart. I don't know how long I sat in that spot crying. Crying because I miss my Mom for the good times we shared and that now seem lost, and for the comfort and security that only my Mom could offer.

As I drove off from that spot and into the night I knew that I'd never truly be without her. Somehow the memories will always be there to keep me company.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

The Couch Cover

Do you know that satisfied feeling you get when you've cleaned your house and everything is in it's respective spot? When the floors are shining, the tabletops are dust free and bathrooms are spotless? Do you know that feeling?  I have that feeling every Saturday when my housework is done and I stand in the middle of the living room looking around at the payoff my efforts have afforded me.

This past Saturday was no different. I stood back and looked around with a sense of pride and satisfaction. I knew that the rest of the weekend was mine to enjoy, or so it seemed.

The beginning of the end started Sunday morning with Katie jumping up on my clean couch cover and throwing up a smidge. It was nothing drastic and certainly nothing that I couldn't clean off with a damp rag and some disinfectant. Ten years ago I would have ripped the cover off the couch and washed it again. Today, my priorities are a bit different. But it was hard to fight the impulse!

Later in the afternoon I let the girls outside. ALWAYS before they can come back into the house they have to have their paws washed under running water and dried. Again, Katie was the culprit and ran past me, into the living room, and jumped up on the couch! I was pretty aggravated with myself for letting this happen, but again it was very minor damage. The chips were starting to stack up against that couch cover making it through the night without being washed.

As soon as Madison arrived on the scene the couch cover and the neurosis that accompanied it disappeared. We had such a good time playing with toys, trying on new clothes, watching TV and snuggling on the couch!

After Maddie ate her dinner it was bath time.  I carried her, wrapped up in a big pink towel, into the living room, and laid her down on the couch. I started to put her diaper on, but apparently my timing was off. She'd peed on her towel! No big deal, it has to be washed anyway – right? I checked really quick to see if any got on the couch and although it wasn't saturated, the couch cover felt slightly damp. Strike 3!

I could live alone in a perfect world and not have to deal with these issues, but what fun would that be?

Guess I'd better get that cover in the wash.

Sunday, January 18, 2004

Sunday At Grandma's

Pics 1-4 is Madison eating her favorite food - carrots!  Grammy Robyn doesn't want stains on clothes so Madison is eating in her diaper only.

Pics 4 & 5 are after her bath.  She is dead to the world in pic #5.  Bless her little heart, the girls and I just wore her out!

She's generally always smiling and laughing, but I couldn't get her to smile for these pictures to save my soul!  She was too interested in what I was doing with that camera. LOL!

For some reason my camera picks her hair color up as much darker than it actually is.  She is really a blonde with blue eyes.

Another Weekend.....

Friday I left work early to take Jeri to the hospital. She was having shortness of breath and pain in her back. We didn't get out of there until close to midnight. I just can't believe what a snail's pace they move. Although in all fairness they were so busy that they had started sending ambulances across the river to other hospitals.

Those doctors and nurses have to deal with every type of person that God has put on this earth.  Most of the people waiting in the emergency room were nice people just needing some type of medical treatment, but there was a one woman who was so nasty and belligerent that 3 security officers had to surround her room! You should have heard her filthy mouth screaming at the staff.  And all they were doing was trying to help her. 

Back to Jeri. Long story short, she was released that night but has to have a chemical stress test of her heart. They fear she has a blockage somewhere. Please keep her in your prayers.

I cleaned all day yesterday! Not surprising though, since Saturday is usually my cleaning day. I washed bedding, vacuumed, mopped, waxed, dusted, gave the girls their baths and finally took mine and went to bed! I was beat, but I have a nice clean house.

I need to find time to get those 3 bags of tulips in the ground now that the snow is gone. I probably should have done that yesterday when the sun was out. There just is never enough time, is there? Ha!

Sunday's are saved for The Madison! She is coming to spend the day with Grammy Robyn today. I can hardly wait to see that beaming little face. She is cutting her two top teeth now so she soon will have 4. I have so much fun when she is here.

Well, better get going because I must run to the grocery store before Madison arrives!

Have a peaceful and pleasant Sunday!

Friday, January 16, 2004


I was doing some reading this morning, during that bit of time I have before I need to get ready for work.  I love exploring the journals that are out there.  I found a true gem this morning and it was right under my nose all the while!  

The journal I am talking about is called THE REST OF THE STORY.  It is a journal of one woman's wonderfully personal and poignant writings.  From her holding the laundry basket for her mom in one, to her childhood move leaving Tommy in another, if you have a heart at all you will be able to relate to her stories and poems. It will bring a smile to your face and even a tear to your eye in some cases - and then you know that she has struck a chord!

You will note that this author has 3 journals, but this particular one is my favorite.  What a treasure!

We are so lucky to access to another person's thoughts, wishes, heartaches and triumphs through journals.  It is almost a humbling experience and certainly one in which we can continue to learn from.

Start at the beginning of this journal though!  Don't miss out on one single experience.  You will be glad that you did. 

First thing on Thursday morning when I got to work I had a meeting to attend. I had taken some cough pills and was doing okay. Halfway through the meeting I could tell that I was going to break out into a coughing fit, so I quietly excused myself and left the room. I was gone for at least 15 minutes in the restroom until my "fit" subsided. By that time I scarcely had any eye makeup left on and had a headache.

I had had it! I've put up with this for nearly a week and enough is enough. I left work early and headed straight to the doctor's office, where I was given a chest x-ray to be sure it wasn't pneumonia. Thankfully it wasn't, but it is a bad case of bronchitis. I was then given a breathing treatment where the nurse added some medicine to a little machine and I inhaled the mist for about 10 minutes. That helped a lot. The doctor then gave me two prescriptions, one for an antibiotic and the other for an inhaler.

I am finally on the mend!

Now about yesterday's entry regarding the spring "to do" list. After looking over my list I probably should have named it "My wish List", because I doubt I am going to get to everything. Either time or money is going to run out. The biggie that I forgot to add to that list is the new heat pump with central air conditioning that I want to install this spring too! Guess because it's been so cold I forgot that it was supposed to be at the top of the list per the pact I made last August during that long heat spell of 90-100 degree days.

I am going to add to my list though. Barb mentioned in her comments that one of the things she had on her "to do" list was to sit down and write each of her kids and family members a "I love you just because" letter. I think that is marvelous! What a simple and loving thing to do that doesn't cost anything at all except a bit of time, but will mean so much. Thanks Barb for that wonderful idea!

Okay, it's after 2am and my latest coughing attack is over. Time to get back in bed!

Have a good day everyone!

Thursday, January 15, 2004

And The List Goes On

This morning I was having my first cup of java and decided that I really need to get a "TO DO THIS SPRING/SUMMER LIST" going. You know, the preresiquite to spring-cleaning! This is what I have come up with thus far. They are in no particular order:


Okay, that's it so far and then I started becoming overwhelmed! Questions started popping into my head immediately: time and money were the two big ones. But not to worry! That's what prioritizing is all about. In fact, prioritizing will take care of those two big questions right off the bat, and in turn the questions will help me prioritize!

In between all of that, I have to manage to keep my yard manicured too. But I love challenges and live for goals! Just think, my every waking moment is going to be spent cleaning, mowing, weeding. painting and planting. Oh yeah, did I mention that I still have to keep my day job?

I guess I'd better start figuring out what needs to be done first and when. Shoot, that'll be another list if I don't watch it!

What is on your agenda for spring/summer?

Wednesday, January 14, 2004


I've been a little under the weather the last few days with a touch of bronchitis which has had me up at all hours of the night and early morning.  So, I haven't felt much like writing.   

However, I have been reading a lot of journals out there, and must say that I am impressed with many and amused by many more.   

Another journal I'd like to refer you to is SITTN' ON THE FENCE, authored by one amusing, kind and entertaining gentleman calling himself Hans.

His journal is very entertaining, and it is obvious that writing is his niche. SITTN' ON THE FENCE has become another one of my favorite haunts in the wee hours of the morning when I can't sleep.  Although I'll admit that I'd visit it religiously even if I could sleep through the night.  I'd just have to get up a bit earlier than normal, or stay up a bit later.  Either way I'd fit it in.  Please check it out.  I'm sure that you will enjoy it as much as I do.

I promise to be back in a day or two.  Who knows?  Perhaps I'll be able to post an entry tomorrow evening!  Please don't forget me and do come back. Rest assured that I have not forsaken my fellow bloggers!



Tuesday, January 13, 2004


My car battery finally eked out its last bit of energy last night in my driveway. I'd noticed ever since my car had set for 4-5 days during our ice storm that every time I'd turn the engine over the battery sounded weak. After all the years of driving that I've done I could just tell that it was the end of the road. At least I was praying silently that it was just the battery.

I purposely drove with everything possible turned on all the way home to test it. Once home in my driveway I turned the car off and tried to restart it.  As I suspected, it was deader than a doornail.

Since I get off work at 6pm I knew I had a very small window of opportunity to get my car into a place and get the battery changed. Ordinarily, I would have taken my car to LES SCHWAB, where I buy my tires, get my brakes repaired and have in the past also bought batteries. But they close at 6pm so that wasn't an option.

First I called Sears, the DIEHARD people. The gentleman who answered told me that the auto service department closes at 8pm. Great, that would give me an hour which should be plenty of time since I only live a few minutes from the Mall.

I explained quickly what I needed, but he just as quickly explained that he could sell me a battery, but wouldn't have time to put it in. Well anyone can sell me a battery! I said. I need someone to put it in. He reiterated what he'd just told me, like I didn't comprehend. Like I was a moron. Like I didn't understand English. Oh, Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

Aggravated, but polite, I hung up and called Wal-Mart. They too were open until 8pm, but unlike Sears they would fit me in. Now that's customer service!

Off I went to Wal-Mart for a new battery. The technician tested the old battery and then tested my alternator to be sure that the battery was the source of the problem, and luckily it was. I was in and out of there in an hour!

I don't care what anyone says; Wal-Mart has proven to me that on more than this occasion they truly do put the customer first, and because of that attitude they will keep me as a customer.

Monday, January 12, 2004


With all of the snow and ice that the Pacific Northwest was pelted with this last week, it isn't surprising that parking lots at various stores were the worse for wear too.  Many retailers were good enough to have their parking lots cleared for their customers.  I was appreciative to those who did, so that I didn't have to wade through the filthy slush and get my feet wet, not to mention the danger the ice posed.
What I don't understand and have a big problem with is the fact that most – yes most – of those same retailers left the handicapped parking spots full of snow/ice.  In fact, in many instances the snow was plowed into those parking spots!
I personally am not handicapped, but my Aunt Midge is.  She contracted polio as a child and was left with a severe handicap in her right leg and hip which makes it difficult for her to walk long distances, especially in bad weather. There quite simply is no way she would have been able to navigate through the snow/ice that was left in those parking spots.  
Some retailers can be considered negligent through pure virtue of ignorance.  However, I hardly think that THE GOODWILL INDUSTRIES can use that excuse.
We have more than one GOODWILL store in the city where I live.  I visited both this week and neither parking lot was clear and certainly the handicapped parking spots where loaded with snow and ice, making it virtually impossible for anyone with a handicap to exit their vehicle.  Nor did I notice any trace of a deicer like inexpensive and easily obtained rock salt.  
I am targeting THE GOODWILL INDUSTRIES because not only are they a local retailer, but they advertise the fact that they hire the handicapped, and rely heavily on donations using that ploy.
With that premise in mind one would think that someone in a leadership role that's connected to that organization would have the foresight to handle the elementary task of having the snow shoveled out of the handicapped parking spaces, and a little rock salt spread around to make it easier for people to move about.  It is a business - right? 
If THE GOODWILL INDUSTRIES can't take care of the handicapped in this instance, perhaps we are left to ponder how they deal with the handicapped in other situations.  

Sunday, January 11, 2004

Sunday, Sunday

The ice and snow are slowly melting, but we still have a lot left. That is good news really, because if it had warmed as quickly as earlier predicted there would have been flooding. Thankfully, I don't live in a flood plain but plenty of folks do. Not only has the sun been out for two days, but also the flood warning has now been lifted!

I was worried that one of my dwarf trees was going to be ruined by the ice, but as luck would have it the ice melted from it's tiny branches and it has sprung back to shape with nary a mark. I hope my hedge has the same luck as it is still weighted down with some snow/ice.

We have many things to be thankful for, so I decided yesterday while I was out shopping that I would try to banish another winter's day from my life starting today.

Since I can't do anything about the weather, I decided to bring a bit of sunshine inside with a summer time meal.

Today we are going to dine on oven baked BBQ'd baby-back ribs, baked potato, tossed green salad, garlic bread and peach cobbler for dessert.

If that doesn't brighten things up a bit, along with the sun that is shining brightly, I don't know what will.

I hope your Sunday meal is every bit as good as this promises to be!

Kodak Moment of Madness

I've always wanted to get involved in scrap booking. Now, I don't want to go to any of the parties, and I don't intend on becoming a fanatic about it. I originally wanted to put together Steve's childhood pictures in a nice album for him. I've put it off because I wasn't sure what I wanted, wasn't sure how I wanted to do it, and was darned sure I didn't have the time for it.

All of this before THE Madison.

Well, yesterday I was in Wal-Mart (where else, you may be asking yourselves), and I decided to look at some that they carry. I came across one for a baby, and suddenly Steve was out and Madison was in!

So I bought it. That's right. I bought it. I spent near $25 and bought myself what seems to be a headache.

Now I don't know how to start, and I'm not even sure if it's the right book for me. The one I bought is in a 'kit', and I am wondering if the loose-leaf binder type wouldn't be easier to use. Also, additional pages could be added to it as time went on.

Perhaps I should have waited and looked around more.

And when, for God's sake will I have time to sit down with a bunch of pictures and place them on cutesy pages that I have created? Before you know it spring will be here and I will have a load of yard work on my hands!

This is the very reason I don't do many crafts - there are too many options and not enough time. I want whatever I am going to do to look perfect and I'm afraid I won't be satisfied when I'm through! What a quandary I get myself into!

Why, oh why can't I be that creative person who walks into a store and picks up whatever they need, goes home and slap it together, and it looks like a million dollars? Well, I'm not that kind of person and I don't know when I will ever accept it. You'd think that by the time I got to this age I'd know better. I want perfection and this is not a perfect world - at least mine isn't.

Now that I am done whining over the most frivilous of things, perhaps I should just stick to my gardening.  At least I know what I'm doing out there.

Saturday, January 10, 2004


Today our roads are completely clear, although the road situation didn't stop me from getting out yesterday. I couldn't stand to stay in this house one day longer! I shoveled the ice and snow away from around the tires on my car, loaded the girls up and away we went!

We stopped at the bank and then made our way to a couple thrift stores. Thrift shops can be great places to find little treasures for a fraction of the retail cost! Of course you have to know your prices because even thrift shops can be as pricey or more so than retail stores.

I found a brand new "Princess" picture frame for one of Madison's pictures; a brand new (still in the package) shower curtain; a brand new with tags Gymboree one piece outfit for Madison; a brand new wooden puzzle for Madison when she gets older (still in the original shrink wrap) and a pair of brand new (still in the original packaging)  pink chenille slippers. The slippers won't fit me but they will fit Kim so I couldn't resist! Anyway, I paid under $10 for the whole purchase and it would have cost me more than three times that in a retail store. I sure save a lot of money that way!

I always buy Steve a couple of shirts at Eddy Bauer for his birthday. Since his birthday is in October, the type that I buy are made of a heavy type of fabric, which is warm, but also lasts a long time. I usually pay around $40 a piece for those shirts. The other day I found one that was like brand new at a thrift store for $6.99! He was pretty tickled to get another Eddy Bauer shirt and it wasn't even his birthday! LOL!

Of course I must admit that although I buy things from thrift shops, I am very fussy about what I buy. But perhaps the most fun of all is the hunt for that perfect or near perfect item! Many of my 'finds' are everyday things like the stuff I bought yesterday. But once in a while I happen upon something really great!

I think my most prized find was a Bakelite Poker Chip Holder. I paid $2.99 for it and it is worth well over $100! Those finds are very few and far between, but sure add to the excitement of the hunt!

Do you shop at thrift shops? If so, what is your most prized find?

Friday, January 9, 2004

ICE STORM 2004 - DAY 4

The good news is:  the ice is melting!  Slowly, but surely it is warming just enough to begin the melt down.  God knows how long it is going to take though.  I'm not exaggerating when I say that we have 1/2 inch of solid ice over 8 inches of powder. 

The office is open today, but it doesn't matter because there is no way I would be able to make it in - unfortunately!  I would love to be able to go to work today - anything to get out of the house!  Many of the folks live fairly close so it won't be too bad perhaps for them to make it in.  On the other hand, I have 40 mile commute roundtrip, and since I live in a rural area many of the roads have not been cleared - like mine!  So it makes for an impossible situation.

Yesterday, standing outside I could hear loud cracking sounds and then huge crashes as branches from trees snapped and fell to the ground from the weight of the relentless ice. 

Today, I am just thankful that we still have electricity and are warm!  It's 5:45 and I am going to get back into bed for another hour or so.

Until later..........

Thursday, January 8, 2004


The first time my power went out was early this morning at 12:30am. It has been on and off every couple hours or so since then. But I am blessed, because it hasn't been off steady so my home hasn't grown too terribly cold before it kicks back on.

As soon as it came back on this last time I hurried and fixed an early dinner, did up the dishes, and now I am trying for the 3rd time today to post an entry!

The ice is so thick that it is snapping huge trees in half. Some of my trees and shrubs aren't looking too good for the wear either.

My office was closed again today! Third day in a row which is unheard of. The streets, roads and freeways are still thick with ice and commuting is difficult at best.

Portland International Airport has been closed for three days now.

I've been setting out fresh water every few hours for the animals that must weather this storm on their own in the elements.

I spread rock salt over my walkway this afternoon, but it hasn't melted much of the ice.

I have begun to develop cabin fever! I pray that this will be over soon so we can all get out and move about in our world again.

I hope that this finds all of you safe and warm.

Wednesday, January 7, 2004

From A Sister's Heart

I think the most heartfelt journal I have read to date is Watching My Sister...Disappear, authored by Mary Louis Ross Harris.

Mary's sister Peggy is suffering from Alzheimer's Disease. This is their poignant story written by a sister who loves Peggy deeply, but who understandably, is having a difficult time letting go.

It is a journal full of recollections from the past, before Peggy was doomed with this dreadful disease. It is a journal of the present and how a loving sister tries to cope with losing her sister, a day at a time.

I applaud Mary for having the courage to bring her grief and heartbreak public, and sharing her story. Grieving is difficult to do alone; much less when there is an audience of sorts. Although for Mary this also seems to be a journey of healing.

I encourage you to visit this journal. You will be glad you did. But I must warn you - take a box of Kleenex with you because the journey is both heartwarming and heartbreaking.

We love you today Mary Louise Ross Harris, and Peggy does too!


The Pacific Northwest is covered in a solid sheet of ice. I took these pictures this afternoon. Hopefully you can see how thick the ice is on the trees and plants.

After the skies dumped 4-8 inches of powder night before last, we have been pelted with freezing rain which began mid-afternoon yesterday.

Last night I was out in my yard with the girls, and as the freezing rain hit the ground it actually sounded like bacon frying!

This has been the 2nd day in a row that my office has been closed, and that has never happened before. We've been closed twice over the last 21 years, but never more than one day at a time.

There are a lot of power outages in the area. Recent newscasters report that 58,000 homes are affected.

The weather has warmed up some though. It's now about 25 degrees, but freezing rain is still in our forecast.

Too bad Starbucks doesn't do deliveries! lol!

Tuesday, January 6, 2004



Dear McKenzie,

Today is your 8th birthday and I thought and thought about what I wanted to say to you today. I searched the internet for ideas, but couldn't find anything suiting. So I've decided to send you a wish from my heart.

I wish for you a year of sunshine and happiness; a year of new adventures and new friends.

I wish for you another year that you will never know what hunger is, and another year in a safe, warm home.

I wish for you another year of love and nurturing from your Mother. And I wish for you a baby sister!

I wish for you a year of weekends spent with your Grammy Kim. Weekends that will someday bring a smile to your face, and tears to your eyes when you remember them fondly as an old woman.

I wish for you a year of playing in the playhouse that Grandpa Brent built for you.

I wish for you many happy hours of playtime with Kyle, Lexie, Madison and Christian.

I wish for you, in a quiet moment, to remember Great Grandma Hazel and the funny little things she used to say to make us all laugh.

But most of all I wish you love and a baby sister!

All my love,

Auntie Robyn


Kim's Quarters

My sister, Kim and her husband Brent own 5 acres of land 45 minutes from my house, on the Washougal River.  Here are 3 pictures she took of the snow storm at her place today.  

The first picture was taken of the icey Washougal River.  She was standing about 200 feet away from the river.  It's hard to believe that in 6 months there will be people swimming in this same spot.  BURRRRR!!!!!!! 

The 2nd picture shows the snow in some of the trees on her property.  This picture captures the true beauty of  Mother Nature.

The 3rd picture is of the road leading down to her home.  She actually has deer walking around her home, among other wild animals!  What a beautiful scene and it's no wonder why we love Washington State!

January 6, 2004 2nd Snowfall of the 2003/2004 Winter

This is what it looked like around my home this morning and afternoon.  The one picture that appears to be just a huge mound of snow is my pond!  I hope my fish will survive this.

Freezing rain is now falling.  Hopefully there won't be any power outages!


Madison's First Snowfall - 2004 - Pretty in Pink!

Steve just emailed these pictures of himself and Madison taken in front of their house about an hour ago.  Although it has already snowed here once before since the start of the year, this is Madison's first taste of white stuff.  She looks like she doesn't know what to think!

Madison just turned 7 months old last Sunday, January 4, 2004.

What a Day For a DayDream!

Today has turned into a vacation day for me due to our severe weather.  I've already called and let my boss know that I won't be in.  I'm lucky to work for a company that keeps my best interests in mind, and encourages me to do the right thing by myself and stay at home when I feel it is too dangerous to drive. 

Right now it is snowing, and has been for some time.  Everything is once again covered in a thick blanket of what looks like white fleece.  It is a beautiful winter wonderland to look at.

It is supposed to turn to freezing rain later today.  I hate freezing rain because, unless you are a lunatic you don't dare get in a car and out on the road in it; you can't go out and play in it; it can ruin shrubs, trees and plants, and is at best miserable!  

It is bitterly cold here - about 15 degrees.  The snow has already covered the footprints of the young man who delivers my morning paper.

I let the girls out this morning at 5:30am, but they weren't as excited as the other day when it snowed - probably, in part because there is more than a 15 degree difference in the temperature!  It's so cold they just did their business and got back in by the fire.  And you sure can't blame them!

More about the weather later...............right now I am going to sit back and enjoy a hot cup of coffee and the scenery!

Thought For The Day

When I was facing some of my bleakest moments in 2002, a Sales and Service Director whom I had worked for previously sent me this in a note for inspiration.

Suddenly that glass was half full again rather than half empty!

I have no idea who wrote it, but it sure pulled me through some dark times and I just love it! 

Remember to believe in yourself, because if you don't why should anyone else?

"Circumstance don't favor you,
naysayers doubt you,
front-runners mock you,
odds makers bet against you...

It is the perfect situation for a person like you who will stand and deliver." 

I recommend it!

Every now and then I come across a product that I like to share. You may have already seen the MR CLEAN MAGIC ERASER advertised on T.V., but I wanted to let you know what a fantastic item I think it really is.

This sponge like cleaning pad comes in a 2 pack box and sells for under $3. The pad cleans like nothing I have ever used before! Just dampen the pad and it will clean ANYTHING!

It has been described by Proctor and Gamble as:

- Cleans Dirt and grime like you never thought you could!
- It is a disposable, soft cleaning pad that acts just like an eraser.
- It easily and thoroughly beaks up tough dirt, lifting it away from surfaces.
- It does this with water alone. It is simple and easy to use.
- No fumes, gloves or chemicals required.
- It removes scuff marks and dirt from floors, walls and doors. Even tough crayon marks!

I have white kitchen countertops that tend to get marked up from time to time. This pad removes any marks, stains or dirt and the countertop is pristine!

I have used it on my stovetop, cabinet doors and appliances with the same end result.

I give this product an overall excellent rating from performance, packaging to price.

Watch your T.V. because Procter & Gamble is offering a coupon on one of their websites. (sorry I didn't get the email address)

Monday, January 5, 2004

Our Furry Friends

As the cold Arctic winds blow down from Canada onto the Pacific Northwest, we brace for a brief, but extremely cold spell.  This is the coldest winter the Pacific Northwest has seen since 1998, and one that will not be easily forgotten.

The last few years have spoiled us with warm, mild climates.  Heck, in 2002 I was still mowing my lawn in December!

This morning the T.V. News Anchors caught my attention because they were advising people to give outdoor animals a break and bring them in out of the cold, or at least provide them with a shelter and some type of bedding to help them stay warm.

Now I beg to ask you this: What moron needs to be reminded of these simple, basic rules for living?  Shouldn't good old fashioned common sense ring a bell?  Are there such simpletons in this world that thinking ahead for the sake of another living creature is too much to ask for?  Is keeping their own butt warm the only damned thing they think about?

I turned away from the T.V. shaking my head, while the News Anchor continued to advise that since water freezes in these low temperatures, one should keep fresh water out for animals to drink.  Keep in mind it will need to be changed often though, because guess what?  It too will freeze in a short time.

I don't mean to be sarcastic – well maybe a little – but for God's sake, these are simple basic instincts, aren't they?

As this storm moves slowly across the nation, I beg you all to please take heed!  Please do whatever you can to help the animals. Take the initiative and put a bucket of water outside on your patio or next to your house.  If you have an old blanket put it to good use!  When it is extremely cold outside, animals need more food than usual, so if you see a hungry animal feed it!

And certainly if the animal(s) are being neglected it is your duty to call your local Humane Society.

It's the least you can do as a caring, kind individual.

Saturday, January 3, 2004

The choice is yours

I am often asked how I keep a positive attitude even while things on occasion will crumble in around me. It is not always easy to accomplish this feat, but the lesson is easily learned.

I am a very average person born into a very average middle class family. I was not born to be that perky little person (PLP) who bounces out of bed in morning, talking incessantly and getting on everybody's nerves. But I often envied those perky little happy people who would show their perky little happy faces every now and again.

Growing up, no one in my house was a PLP. We were all average. So of course I didn't meet these PLP's until my boundaries started widening, and I attended school. Occasionally there would be a teacher who was a PLP, but more often there would be at least one PLP in my class. Of course if there were more than one, they had a tendency to gravitate towards each other. Soon one could see little pods of PLPs all over the schoolyard.

It didn't take long to acknowledge that the PLPs were going to be the leaders not the followers. They soon held student body positions, became cheerleaders, captains of football teams and the list goes on and on.

The PLP's were not all made out of the same mold either. They all had their own thoughts and beliefs. But the one thing they all had in common was a POSITIVE ATTITUDE!

This my friends, is what I have been leading you all over the north forty for. Did you think that you were lost for an instant?

My whole point is this: Some lucky people are born perky little people with wonderfully positive attitudes. The rest of us must learn to develop ours. It's much like being an artist. Some people are born with a God given talent, while others must develop theirs.

It's a choice!  I learned to develop my attitude. I chose to be around positive people. I chose to feed myself full of positive affirmations daily. In fact, I am so positive about this that I have a particular website send me an affirmation daily, both at home and at the office. I pass the affirmation on to those I live and work with.

Please check it out. I'm sure that you will find inspiration and positive fuel to feed yourselves.

Perky little people are welcomed too!


Thursday, January 1, 2004

First Snow of 2004

Another surprise greeted me this morning when I awoke. As I reported yesterday, the weather around here was supposed to warm up and the rains were scheduled to return last night. I fully expected that all the snow we had accumulated yesterday (about 1-2 inches) would have been gone by this morning.

It started snowing again during the night at some point, and we now have about 8 inches of snow with more forecasted for this evening!

This is a bit unusual for Southern Washington State. We certainly have our share of precipitation, but it's usually the wet stuff. So when snow does come our way, we all get pretty excited because it doesn't last long. We live close enough to the ocean that the marine air shifts frequently, and we don't have long lasting cold or heat waves.

As usual, the girls were thrilled when I threw open the door this morning and they saw all the snow! The snow is so deep that they have a hard time running in it, falling over each other. But soon they are back on their feet (or paws as it were), running to beat the band!

It truly looks like a winter wonderland. The pictures above are of my front yard, taken from my living room window.

I love the night time especially when it snows. The evergreen boughs are laden with the white snow and look beautiful with the contrast of green and white colors. The fence posts around my yard look like they are topped with little white Afro's, and the delicate limbs of my Magnolia tree are outlined in a fine but thick sprinkling of snow.

Somehow the snow seems to act like an insulation of sorts, quieting an otherwise noisy and bustling world. Although it is cold the snow blankets the earth and protects some of its young like the tiny spring crocus that are just starting to break through the cold ground.

Luckily, I don't have to worry about commuting to work tomorrow. Please be careful for those of you who do. Although it is beautiful to look at it can be treacherous, and we have a lot of stories to share this year!


Thank You!

Wow!  What a surprise when I found my journal as the Editor's #1 Pick of the week!  I knew it was being considered but who would have thought? I am thrilled and feel extremely honored! What a wonderful way to start the New Year! :)

Thank you AOL for providing such a great avenue to express oneself.  I have enjoyed writing in my journal (in fact, it is the highlight of some days), reading other journals, and meeting so many nice, nice people.

Thank you to my fellow bloggers, who have bookmarked my journal and read it daily, who have offered advice, suggestions, friendship and from whom I continue to learn much about life and the world around me.

Best Wishes to all for the upcoming New Year, my friends!

New Beginnings

As 2003 slips into the past, I look to the future with hope and anticipation. I don't know if I believe in making New Year resolutions because it seems that I never stick to them. But there are many things that I'd like to accomplish in 2004 that I didn't last year.

My list is long so I'll only list a few that must hold priority over the others: I want to lose a few pounds and get myself on a exercise routine. I want to make it a point not to miss Mass so often. I want to cut some of the flowers I grow in my flower gardens this spring and summer, and put them in vases in my house rather than just looking at them from my living room and kitchen windows.

I want to take long rides on Sunday afternoons. I want to put on a pair of shorts (regardless what I think I look like) and run through the sprinkler this summer with Madison - okay, backyard only. I want to have more family dinners. I want to let the dinner dishes go for a bit while I sit on my porch swing and watch the sun set. I want to sleep with my bedroom window open this summer and enjoy the fresh cool night breeze.

I want to paint the inside of my house. I want to go on an old fashioned picnic and lay on a blanket under a big tree, eating fried chicken, potato salad and ice cold pieces of water melon. I want to buy new living room furniture.

I want to take my girls to the beach and run along the water's edge. I want to ride in a convertible with the air whipping through my hair, and not worry about what it looks like. I want to have a little tea party with Madison and serve tiny decorated sugar cookies and little Barbie Doll glasses (yeah, they make them!) of lemonade. I want to make my doctor's appointments and keep them this year.

And last but not least, I want to go to Midnight Mass this next Christmas since I seem to miss it every year!

What do you want to do in 2004?

Happy New year everyone!


Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!!

The weatherman was right!  It snowed!  The pictures are from Tuesday night and Wednesday morning of the girls playing in the newly fallen snow.  The pictures aren't good, but hopefully you can see my girls playing.  They acted as though they'd died and gone to heaven.  These two Westies love the snow!  They act just like two little kids running and chasing each other all over the yard.  The only thing they can't do is build a snowman.  LOL!  It was hard to talk them back into the house each time they went out.  When they did come in they'd lay by the fire and warm up and then want out again.  The two little stinkers! 

It warmed up this afternoon and the rains have returned so by New Years morning the snow will probably be gone.  But it was sure fun while it lasted!